The 5th weapon awakening for the Tamer class will be a  ‘Sky Rod’ (temp name).
The Tamer character is a very young girl image and now we hope to bring a mature martial arts girl.
Currently the Tamer class relies heavily on her pet to deal damage and be powerful. With the Sky Rod weapon you will find it easier to deal sufficient combat damage without the need for her pet.
In fact, we *think* the Tamer pet will not be usable when fighting with the Sky Rod. (It’s hard to confirm this because some things are lost in translation).
The Sky Rod weapon will need to be separate from the current Tamer combat style so that it does not destroy the way Tamer is currently played.
Use the extra range of the Sky Rod to hit and knock enemies back further.
More information will be revealed over the next few weeks, we encourage you to be patient and we hope you are as excited as we are.
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