Mysterious Painting Questlines

Introduction Mysterious Paintings can be obtained by destroying Cargo Ships which can spawn randomly in the sea. There are 5 different painting with the same name but the description will be different: Mysterious Painting #1: A faded drawing of a sharp blue scale piece Mysterious Painting #2: A faded drawing of a torch and burning…

Pavino Greko’s Collection

Introduction The Pavino Greko Collection is a set of quests/achievements you can complete for extra rewards in your Adventure log. Pavino Greko’s Collection has a high silver cost to complete (1.5 billion silver), as well as requiring DUO and TRI blue or yellow accessories for the last book. Adventure Log Rewards: The rewards are family-wide…

Great Summer Festival

Terrmian Waterpark is back! The event will last from August 5th 2020 to August 26th 2020. During this time there are several daily quests you can do to earn Terrmian Seals. You can then exchange these for various prizes, such as the swimwear boxes. On August 12th, two additional events will be coming to Terrmian…

Dark Rift Guide

Introduction To unlock Dark Rifts, you must have at least 1 character that is level 56 or higher. Once the Dark Rift is unlocked, monsters will randomly spawn in designated areas and can be defeated for various rewards including rare accessories up to DUO enhancement. Dark Rift monsters can only be seen and defeated by…

Summer Season Server Changes!

A new Summer Season has started in Korea and some changes have been made, including new rewards at the end of the season, new equipment, and the chance to graduate early! Other than the gear changes and quest changes listed, which were added on 15/07/2020, the following changes should not effect the current season servers…