character portraits

Custom Character Portraits

Introduction You can change the character portraits/icons that are displayed on your character swap screen by going to the Beauty Salon (F4) and pressing [SPACE] or clicking the “Take Portrait” button. This takes a snapshot of your character and will automatically update the portrait image. However, the portrait is limited to the Beauty Salon and…

capotia acessory guide

Capotia Accessory Guide

Introduction Capotia Accessories are great starting accessories for new and returning players. Capotia Accessories cannot be registered on the central market but can be crafted or obtained through the Season rewards and leveling rewards. The Capotia Accessories have good stats at PEN, equal to other common AP Accessories, and can also be upgraded with the…


Maegu Skills List

Introduction This skill breakdown is a list of all Succession Maegu skills as they appeared on Global Labs on 16th January 2023. The skills are subject to change after Maegu’s official class release on 18th January 2023. This list may become out of date if any changes are made to the class. Make sure to…
