Family-wide Silver
- The silver coins held in the character and storage warehouse have been integrated into ‘My Silver Coins’.

- In the following UI, the display of silver and silver coins has been integrated into one.
Confirmation message window asking to use inventory and warehouse silver coins Storage Warehouse – warehouse for trading NPC Shop Stable Wharf Blacksmith – Repair Blacksmith – Caphras Stone Extraction Blacksmith – Equipment Purification Wandering Alchemist – Lightstone Exchange/Purification Equipment Cleanse Patrigio – The Secret Shop Pearl Shop – Purchasing silver event items Black Spirit’s Gift Box – Receive all silver coins Letter – (Letter with Silver Coins) Received in Storage Mansion – manor contract Work Supervisor – Worker Contract Work Supervisor – Worker Exchange Imperial Auction |
- The silver coin symbol has been removed from the warehouse.
- When transporting goods from the warehouse, the silver coin used has been modified to use ‘my silver coin’.
- It has been modified so that silver coins are not searched for in Find My Items.
- When receiving silver coins at the stable’s horse market or rental market, it has been modified to receive them as ‘my silver coins’ instead of being received in the warehouse.
- When collecting daily wages and allowances from the Guild (G), it has been modified to receive them as ‘my silver coins’ instead of being received in the warehouse.
Guild Incentive System Update
- The system has been revamped so that guilds can easily set up and pay incentives.
Guild Points
- Guild Points have been added to guild and reflect adventurers attendance to various guild activities.
- Guild Points can be earned through the following activities, and are reset at the time of incentive payment.
How to Earn Guild Points |
- The accumulated guild points are used to automatically set the reward level according to the point criteria set by the guild leader when paying incentives .
- Once set, the point criteria are saved and continue to apply even after payment of incentives until further modified.
- However, the incentive level can be changed arbitrarily even after it is set automatically.
- The accumulated guild points are used to automatically set the reward level according to the point criteria set by the guild leader when paying incentives .
[Guild Member] Guild Point Application
- Adventurers belonging to a guild can earn guild points through guild activities by signing a ‘Guild Point Application Form’
- Guild Points obtained through the Guild Point Application are determined by Guild Activities and Points specified by the Guild Leader and Advisor.
- The completed Guild Points application will be paid upon approval by the Guild Leader, Advisor or Secretary.
- However, in the case of participation in Node War/Seige War, activity details are automatically recorded and reflected in your Guild points.

- Anyone can check the details of other guild members’ points by clicking the scroll-shaped ‘Point History’ icon located on the right side of the Guild Member Status tab,
[Guild Member] Guild Activities
- The guild activities that can be obtained through the Guild Point Application are as follows.
- However, activity contents (general, guild missions, war participation, etc.) and payment points can be set arbitrarily by the guild leader and advisor.
- It cannot be changed in the case of participating in the Node War/Siege War.
- However, activity contents (general, guild missions, war participation, etc.) and payment points can be set arbitrarily by the guild leader and advisor.
Guild activity (default setting) |
1. General 2. Guild Missions and Crafting 3. Guild Boss Summon Scrolls 4. Participation in war 5. Participation in Siege War/Node War (Names of items other than the siege/node war participation items ~~~ Positions can be set arbitrarily) |
New Guild Role – Secretary
- To help manage guild points a new position, Secretary has been added .
- The secretary basically has the authority of the Advisor, and can specially manage the approval/rejection of point applications.
[Guild Leader, Advisor, Secretary] Point menu

- The guild point application written by the guild member can be checked in the application payment menu, and it can be approved or returned.
- If you press the ‘approve all’ button, you can approve all of the completed applications.

- Points can be paid by approving or rejecting guild point applications based on guild activities. You can also conveniently approve applications via the Approve All button.
- The Guild Leader and Advisor can also give bonus points payment to guild members through the menu .

An event for harmony within the guild, a day when you fiercely participated in a node battle, a day when you are happy to succeed in enhancing, or even if there is no special event!
Pay points to all guild members!
Pay points to all guild members!
- Through the point setting menu, you can set points for each guild activity or set guild activity items.

You can arbitrarily designate the type of guild activity and acquisition points.
Designate different items according to the direction of the guild!
Designate different items according to the direction of the guild!
[Guild Leader, Advisor] Payment of incentives
- When it is time to pay guild ‘Incentives’ you can pay incentives through button in the Guild Member Status tab.
- In the incentive payment UI, depending on the accumulated points you can automatically pay incentives for each level.
- The point criteria can be set and modified arbitrarily, and even after the automatic reward level is set, the reward level can be modified individually.
- After checking the details of the incentive setting, the guild leader and advisor will pay the incentive through the ‘Incentive payment’ button.
- In the incentive payment UI, depending on the accumulated points you can automatically pay incentives for each level.
[Guild Leader, Advisor] Activity fee setting
- If a guild member needs to set an activity fee to use guild funds, you can set the activity ‘Guild Activity Fee Settings’ through fee collectively located at the bottom left of the Guild Member Status tab .
- In the guild activity fee setup window, you can classify your guild up to 5 levels according to points, and you can set the activity funds for each level.
- Following the addition of the guild point system, the ‘Welfare Fund’ button in the Guild Member Status tab has been moved to the Guild Information tab.
Elixir Upper Limit Price Increases
- The upper limit prices of the following elixir items have been adjusted on the Central Market.
Item Name | Current upper price | Changed upper Price |
[Party] Elixir of Amity | 146,000 | 178,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Sharp Thorn | 158,000 | 185,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Human Hunt | 138,000 | 169,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Draining | 281,000 | 306,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Demihuman Hunt | 150,000 | 183,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Perforation | 302,000 | 323,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Energy | 62,000 | 86,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Wings | 81,000 | 104,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Wind | 146,000 | 172,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Swiftness | 152,000 | 182,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Spells | 136,000 | 173,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Concentration | 50,000 | 75,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Will | 84,000 | 112,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Resistance | 89,000 | 119,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Life | 51,000 | 85,500 |
[Party] Elixir of Clear Mentality | 75,000 | 98,000 |
[Party] EXP Elixir | 147,000 | 174,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Endurance | 87,500 | 109,000 |
[Party] Worker’s Elixir | 146,000 | 181,000 |
[Party] Fisher’s Elixir | 133,000 | 187,000 |
[Party] Antidote Elixir | 13,100 | 36,700 |
[Party] Elixir of Time | 147,000 | 175,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Training | 147,000 | 177,000 |
[Party] Helix Elixir | 113,000 | 146,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Destruction | 250,000 | 296,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Lethal Destruction | 304,000 | 605,000 |
[Party] Elixir of Endless Persistance | 258,000 | 280,000 |
Elixir of Lethal Destruction | 252,000 | 585,000 |
Thornwood Forest – Marni’s Realm
- ‘Thornwood Forest’ has been added to the hunting grounds where you can use Marni’s Realm – Private Grinding.

Node War/Siege
- Fixed the issue where the Indomitable Flag could not be installed at a specific location in the node area depending on the day of the week when the node battle was held.
- When checking the node war stat limit information on the World Map (M), the awkward display of some stat limits has been corrected to make it clearer.
UI Improvements
- A function to automatically delete the letter when receiving an item enclosed in the mail has been added.
- These functions can be set at the bottom of the mail reading window.

- The sort order of letters has been changed as follows.
- A letter received by mail after purchasing a paid product (Pearl box, etc.)
- Letters with an expiry date of 7 days or less
- Letters with an expiry period of 7 days or more
- Letters with no expiration date set
- Improved the message displayed when checking ‘Marni Wave’ in the ESC menu without completing the Marni Wave quest
- Fixed the following in the Crystal Preset function.
- It has been modified so that when you click the View equipped crystals button in another character’s equipment/inventory view UI, you can properly check the effect of the crystal being applied to that character.
- Fixed the issue where items in the Inventory (I) were shaded and remained inactive when the window was closed after checking the crystals held through the Crystal Inventory button.
Other Changes
- When attempting alchemy, the required number of lion blood that can be used instead of 1 bear blood has been improved from 2 → 1.
- When attempting alchemy, the number of scorpion blood that can be used instead of 1 fox blood has been improved from 2 → 1.
- The description text of the Cron Stone item has been improved to a more intuitive text.
- The <troublemaker> Shushu, which appears at a low probability during cultivation, no longer runs away, but immediately digs into the ground and runs away.
- Fixed the issue where the <wild> Pnil chased the adventurer too far.
- If you respawn in a nearby safe area after dying in the Witch’s Chapel area, you will respawn on the rock near the Witch’s Chapel entrance.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where the knowledge of Wood Reinforcement was exposed to Plywood Reinforcement.
- Fixed the issue where Mikel’s collection box in Western Guard Camp was exposed abnormally under certain circumstances.
- Typos in the information displayed in the following situations have been corrected.
- [Single Adventure] During Atoraxion: Yorunakia, when interacting with the designer’s Kaibelan hexahedron
- The quest ‘Explore the excavation site’ is in progress
- Some taxidermy keywords of knowledge
- Igor Bartali’s Adventure Journal, Volume 8, Chapter 1
- Fixed the issue where unavailable NPC information was exposed when checking the information about Dream Feathers in the crafting notes.
- Fixed the issue where the list of quest widgets was displayed abnormally when quest progress information was updated while receiving multiple quests.
- Fixed the issue where when processing (L), the message that empty space was displayed even though there was enough space in the bag was displayed.
- Fixed the issue where, under certain circumstances, the highlighting effect of items purchased from the Central Market was displayed unnaturally in the Exchange Warehouse.
- Fixed the issue where the text displayed in the Guild Dispute Arbitration Request Form was unnatural.
- The awkward expression in the description of the Oquilla’s Flower item has been corrected.
- Fixed the issue where Asula Accessories could not be exchanged with NPC Herbin in Grána.
- Fixed the issue where <Tavern Owner> Santoz in Endless Winter Mountain sold duplicate rum.
Class Changes
Prime: Counter
- Prime: Counter skill has been changed as follows.
- Counter, Spin Counter, and Energy Counter damage are all applied equally.
- Before changes: Counter damage 1036% x 3, Spin Counter damage 1200% x 4, Energy Counter damage 1200% x 5
- After: Counter damage 1200% x 5, Spin Counter damage 1200% x 5
- Changed to counter by always using Energy Counter when learning the skill.
- (However, this does not apply when activated by Spin Counter.)
- Fixed the issue where air attack was not applied when using Energy Counter.
- When using Energy Counter, the knockback effect on successful hits has been removed.
- The hit rate of the skill has been changed from +50% to +20%, and the effect of increasing all hit rates by 15% for 3 seconds has been added when using the skill.
- The cooldown of the skill has been changed from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
- The skill’s PvP damage reduction has been changed from 55% to 50%.
- Counter, Spin Counter, and Energy Counter damage are all applied equally.
Prime: Scars of Dusk I~III
- Prime: Scars of Dusk has been improved so that skill addons can be applied.
- The skill’s PvP damage reduction rate has been changed as follows.
Before change | After change |
61.6/61.5/60.2% PvP damage reduction for 1st and 2nd hits
Last Hit’s PvP Damage Reduction 50/50/50%
All Hits PvP Damage Reduction 42/42/42% |
- The skill’s attack range has been changed to an omnidirectional attack.
- Accordingly, the phenomenon where the damage was applied twice in certain locations has been corrected.
Prime: Spinning Slash
- Fixed the phenomenon where the attack range of the skill was narrower than the skill directing.
- As a result, the attack range of the skill has been increased so that it applies the same as skill directing.
Prime: Earth Tremor
- Prime: Earth Tremor skill has been changed as follows.
- Changed to always trigger as a Leap Attack.
- Accordingly, when pressing ↑ + F after using the Prime: Earth Tremor skill, it has been changed to link to the Charging Thrust skill.
- When the character is in the air after the skill’s down attack, the falling action is now displayed.
- Changed the character to be fixed regardless of the camera direction after the skill’s slashing attack.
- Changed to always trigger as a Leap Attack.
Upper Shield Strike
- The front guard of the Upper Shield Strike skill has been removed, and the launch effect has been changed to apply to players as well.
Frenzied Dash
- The Frenzied Dash skill has been changed as follows.
- A forward guard effect has been added to the skill, and the float effect has been changed to only apply to monsters.
- When colliding with an enemy while charging, the attack is now triggered immediately.
- It has been improved so that you can smoothly link with the supply and demand thrusting skill after attacking.
- The cooldown of the skill has been changed from 17 seconds to 12 seconds.
Frenzied Dash, Charging Thrust, Prime: Solar Flare, Prime: Forward Slash
- After using the skill, Prime: Spinning Slash has been improved so that it activates as a jump slash.
Core: Grim Reaper’s Judgment
- When learning the skill Core: Grim Reaper’s Judgment, the phenomenon of recovering more HP than the HP recovery effect indicated in the skill description has been fixed.
Swirling Darkness I~III
- The skill’s damage and number of hits have been changed.
- 1 hit damage 910/1011/1178% x 6 → 1229/1365/1590% x 8
- 2 hit damage 997/1082/1272% x 6 → 1346/1461/1717% x 8
- The skill’s PvP damage reduction rate has 54% to 62 been changed from 65%. (Modified)
- Fixed the issue where the magic defense reduction effect was applied when a successful hit of the skill Core: Swirling Darkness was applied.
Violation I~III
- The skill’s damage has been changed.
- Spin hit damage 959/1090/1343% x 8 → 1103/1254/1544% x 8
- Downward slash damage 959/1090/1343% x 5 → 1103/1254/1544% x 5
- The skill’s critical hit chance has been changed.
- Critical Hit Rate +50% (applies only to monsters) → Critical Hit Rate +50% (Effect nullified during cooldown)
- The skill’s PvP damage reduction has been changed from 57% to 70%.
- It has been improved so that the Dark Shard effect is refreshed when using the Dark Shard skill to trample the dead.
Soul Harvest
- The casting speed increase effect applied when using the skill has been changed as follows.
- Casting speed increase +5% for 10 seconds when using skills → Casting speed increase +10% for 10 seconds when using skills
- Soul Harvest has been changed so that it behaves more naturally when used in conjunction with other skills.
Shadow Leap
- Fixed the issue where the next buff effect applied when using Shadow Leap was applied when the character appeared instead of using the skill.
- Increases movement speed by 10% for 10 seconds when using skills
- Increases all evasion rates by 15% for 5 seconds when using skills
- Shadow Leap’s forward attack has been changed to activate only when left-clicking.
- After using the Shadow Leap skill, linking to other skills has been improved to activate more smoothly.
Cartian’s Nightmare
- Changed the effect of the dark fragment to be renewed when moving left or right by consuming a fragment while using the skill.
Night Crow
- It has been improved so that you do not fall even if you use Night Crow 3 or more times in a row in the air.
- When using the Night Crow skill in the air, it has been changed so that it is not affected by the character’s jumping ability.
- Changed the character to gradually move downward when using the Night Crow skill in the air.
- Corrected typos in the description of the renewal of the Dark Sculpture buff effect.
Soul Reaper (Additional)
- The skill’s damage has been changed.
- 1 hit damage 1380% x 2, max 2 hits → 1380% x 3, max 2 hits
- Last hit damage 1380% x 6 → 1380% x 8
- The skill’s PvP damage reduction has been changed from 54% to 62%.
Prime: Rift Storm
- The skill’s action speed has been changed to activate slightly faster.
- The number of hits for the skill has been changed.
- 1 hit damage 1318% x 3 → 1318% x 5
- 2 hit damage 1318% x 8 → 1318% x 10
- The cooldown of the skill has been reduced from 13 seconds to 10 seconds.
- The critical hit rate, which only applied to the skill’s monsters, has been changed to apply to players as well.
- Critical Hit Rate +100% (Monster Only) → Critical Hit Rate +100%
- The skill’s PvP damage reduction has been changed from 35% to 55%.
- Prime: Rift Storm has been changed to be linked after using 1 hit when linked with the Rift Chain skill.
Prime: Spear Bolt
- The character has been changed to rotate 180 degrees when using a skill
- Changed the Forward Guard effect to last a little longer when not moving after using Prime: Spear Bolt
- The defense judgment of the skill has been changed as follows.
- Forward guard when using skill, invincible while disappearing while moving → Forward guard when using skill, invincible while moving
- The skill’s dash hit damage has been removed.
- Changed the effect of ‘Down attack on a successful dash hit’ to ‘Down attack’.
- The skill’s damage has been changed.
- Hit damage 503% x 2 → 1060% x 4
- The cooldown of the skill has been changed from 15 seconds to 7 seconds.
- Critical Hit Chance +100% effect has been added to the skill.
- The skill’s PvP damage reduction has been changed from 30% to 40%.

Atomagia I~Absolute, Prime: Atomagia
- The skill’s bound effect has been changed to only apply to monsters.
- Added 50 pain damage effect every 3 seconds for 18 seconds when the skill hits successfully.
- The cooldown of the skill has been changed.
- Level I ~ Absolute: 60/55/50/45/40 seconds → 40/35/30/25/20 seconds
- Prime level: 40 seconds → 20 seconds
Void Gateways I~Absolute, Prime: Void Gateways
- Forward Guard effect has been added to the Void Gateways I~Absolute, Prime: Void Gateways skills while using the skill.
Gravity Rift I~Absolute
- The number of hits for the skill has been changed.
- Hit damage 397/507/598/793/951% x 6 → 397/507/598/793/951% x 8
- The skill’s HP recovery effect has been changed.
- Recovers +10 HP for each successful hit → Recovers +50/50/50/60/70 HP for each successful hit
Realm of Anguish I~Absolute
- All defense reduction effects applied when the skill hits successfully have been changed to magic defense reduction effects.
- All defense decreases by 20 for 10 seconds on a successful hit → Magic defense decreases by 20 for 10 seconds on a successful hit
Prime: Rift Chain
- The amount of stamina consumed when moving while the character disappears while using a skill has been reduced by half.
Prime: Illusion Expansion
- The skill’s damage has been changed.
- Hit damage 1336% x 8 → 1737% x 8
- Critical Hit Chance +30% effect has been added to the skill.
- The skill’s PvP damage reduction has been changed from 45% to 50%.
Flow: Illusion Detonation
- After using a skill, linking to other skills has been improved to activate more smoothly.
- The skill’s strike action has been improved to activate a little faster.
- Improvements have been made to make the movement more natural when linking with Ator’s Punishment skill after using Flow: Illusion Detonation
Form Shift I~Absolute, Form Shift I~IV
- Critical Hit Chance +30% effect has been added to the skill.
- The stamina consumed when using the skill has been changed from 200 to 150.
Flow: Form Recall
- The stamina consumed when using the skill has been changed from 200 to 150.
Prime: Ator’s Mark I~III
- The skill’s damage has been changed.
- Hit damage 916/1069/1221% x 6 → 1191/1390/1587% x 8
- The skill’s PvP damage reduction has been changed from 34% to 58%.
Prime: Ator’s Fist I~III
- Prime: Ator’s Fist skill has been improved to activate more quickly when used in conjunction with other skills.
- The skill’s damage has been changed.
- Hit damage 683/819/983% x 3, max 4 hits → 888/1065/1278% x 3, max 4 hits
- Critical hit chance applied to players of the skill has been increased.
- Critical Hit Chance +25% (player only) → Critical Hit Chance +50%
- The skill’s PvP damage reduction has been changed from 44% to 60%.
- When using Ator’s Fist skill in conjunction with other skills, the skill will activate even if you hold down the Shift key.
- As a result of this, Ator’s Fist skill will be activated when using the Illusion Expansion after using some skills, but it will be modified so that the Illusion Expansion skill is activated during the official server update.
Prime: Ator’s Energy I~IV
- The skill’s damage has been changed.
- Hit damage 988/1094/1201/1307% x 8 → 1265/1400/1537/1673 x 8
- The skill’s PvP damage reduction has been changed from 34% to 52%.
- The skill’s defense judgment effect has been changed. (addition)
- Super Armor → Forward Guard
Prime: Spatial Collapse
- The movement has been improved to activate more smoothly when using the skill.
Flow: Finishing Touch
- Improvements have been made to make attack movements more smooth when using skills.
Neck Impaler
- Fixed the issue where the movement distance of the skill was short when using the skill in pre-awakening mode.
Sin Splitter
- Fixed the issue where the skill Sin Splitter, Core: Sin Splitter bound effect did not apply in certain situations.
Prime: Rain’s Thirst
- Improvements have been made so that you can smoothly link Prime: Rain’s Thirst skills while using Stormfall, Cloudrise, Kaleidoscope Swirl, and Kaleidoscope Flower skills.
- The Prime: Rain’s Thirst skill has been changed so that it is not affected by the increase or decrease in casting speed or movement speed.
Prime: Inkwrath
- Prime: Inkwrath skill has been changed as follows.
- After other skills, the skill Prime: Inkwrath Command has been improved to smoothly link.
- The control key has been changed from ↓ + C to C input.
- A 20% reduction in the guard gauge has been added to one target when the hit is successful.
- The damage of the skill has been changed as follows. Accordingly, the PvP damage reduction rate has been changed.
- Hit damage 1432% x 6 → 1002% x 6
- PvP damage reduction rate 36% → 8.5%
Prime: Flurry
- The activation speed of the 1st and 2nd hits of the skill has been increased.
- When linking Prime: Flurry after using the following skills, Prime: Flurry has been improved to be linked with a 3-hit attack.
- Sagoonja: Plum, Sagoonja: Orchid, Sagoonja: Chrysanth, Sagoonja: Bamboo, Bamboo-zled, Thunderstroke, Cloudburst.
- It has been improved so that the last movement of Butterfly Step can be linked with the Tigerfly skill.
Spring Blossom
- The duration of the natural HP recovery increase effect of the skill Spring Blossom has been changed from 20 seconds to 30 seconds.
- When using Cloudrise, damage has been changed to apply to enemies below Usa to match the direction.
- The activation speed of the skill Inkstroke has been increased.
Cloud Flower
- It has been improved so that 2 dark clouds of Prime: Quiet Waters will be created at once when using the Cloud Flower skill.
Core: Extinction
- Fixed the issue where the Super Armor effect was not applied when using the skill slot after acquiring the Core: Extinction skill.
Hexeblood: Spiteful Soul
- The bug has been corrected where when holding right-click after using Hexeblood: Savage Decree, the Hexeblood: Spiteful Soul skill was used instead of the Hexeblood: Storm Piercer skill.