Marni’s Secret Room (Private Hunting Grounds)
- A private hunting ground, Marni’s Secret Room has been added.
- When you enter Marni’s secret room, the existence of all adventurers except yourself will disappear
- Inside Marni’s Secret Room, the same monsters appear in the same place as the original world, and you can obtain the same loot.
※ A bug has been confirmed that loot cannot be obtained from the Black Desert Research Lab Marni’s Secret Room, and it will be fixed in the future.
- You cannot move to another area inside Marni’s Secret Room, and you can return to the original world by clicking the Exit button and moving to another area.
- You can check Marni’s secret room through the Personal Hunting Grounds menu – Menu (ESC) – Adventure (F5)
- If you move to each hunting ground areas where you can enter Marni’s Secret Room, the ‘Enter’ button will appear, allowing you to enter the hunting ground’s Marni’s Secret Room.
- The area where you can enter Marni’s secret room can be guided with pathfinding in the menu (ESC) – Adventure (F5) – Personal hunting grounds.
- ※ However, in the case of desert hunting grounds, pathfinding is not supported.
- The amount of time you can stay in Marni’s Secret Room is limited to 1 hour every day, and the remaining time is restored to 1 hour every day at 06:00.
- If you have time left, you can freely exit or re-enter Marni’s secret room.
- If you leave Marni’s secret room, the remaining time will no longer be used up, and the re-entry waiting time will apply
- Elvia’s Realm Hunting Grounds can only be entered on the Elvia server.
- The entry button UI can be turned ON/OFF in the personal hunting ground menu.
※ The entry area for Marni’s Secret Room designated for each hunting ground is subject to change.
※ The waiting time for re-entering Marni’s secret room is not applied in the Black Desert Lab for easier testing

- The list of hunting grounds where you can use Marni’s Secret Room is as follows.
- Tshira Ruins
- Polly Fores
- Red Wolf Village
- Sherekhan’s Tomb
- Ruud Sulfur Mine
- Pila Ku Jail
- Sycraia Undersea Ruins (Lower)
- Manshaum Forest
- Forest Ronaros
- Hystria Ruins
- Stars End
- [Elvia] Biraghi De
- [Elvia] Swamp Foga
- [Elvia] Swamp Naga
- [Elvia] Blood Monastery
- [Elvia] Orc Camp
※ Marni’s Secret Room will be added to the Jade Starlight Forest and Gyfin Rasia Temple (underground) hunting grounds.
- In Marni’s secret room, the following additionally applies.
- Traveler’s Map items cannot be used inside Marni’s Secret Room.
- Inside Marni’s Secret Room, you cannot be summoned or summoned with Guild Skills: Command to Gather, Lafi Bed Mountain’s Improved compass.
- You can call mounts within the range of Marni’s Secret Hunting Grounds, but you cannot call mounts outside the range.
- When entering Marni’s secret room, summons of summoned pets are canceled.
Arena of Solare
Match Entry
- Solare’s Arena can be entered by a normal character who has completed the Succession/Awakening quest at level 60 or higher, through ESC Menu [ESC] – War [F7] – Solare’s Arena.
- Participants can search for matches after equipping all exclusive equipment and crystals to be used on the battlefield through ‘Dedicated Equipment Settings’ before starting a match.
※ The list of exclusive equipment is subject to change at a later date.
※ For exclusive equipment, please refer to ‘Solare’s Token’ below.
- When all equipment is equipped, you can start matching by clicking the ‘Find Match’ button on the Solare window screen.
- After matching, when all 6 players who will be playing the match in the match acceptance/rejection window accept the match, they will enter the battlefield.
- The match will be played in a best-of-five system with a 3v3 match structure, and a maximum of 3 minutes is given for each round.
Match Progress
- In Solare’s Arena, the equipment’s stats are not applied, only the stats of the equipment set in Solare’s Arena dedicated equipment are applied.
- Solare’s Arena map consists of the Olun Valley and Solare’s Ruins, and you will enter one of the two battlefields at random through matchmaking.
- In the newly added Solare’s Ruins battlefield, an ‘unknown sphere’ that emits powerful power depending on the state and ‘Traces of Elements’ according to the terrain features of the battlefield appear.
Unknown Sphere
- At the start of the match, it appears in the middle of the battlefield and moves, casting two types of attacks depending on the state of the sphere.
1. If the ray of light passing through the sphere is blue, the character will not take damage, but will be exposed to abnormal status effects such as guard destruction and stiffness.
2. If the ray of light penetrating the sphere is red, the character will not be affected by the status ailment and will take great damage.
- The state of the sphere changes only when the sphere changes direction of movement.
Traces of Elements
- It consists of a total of 4 types, and if the trace is destroyed, the destroyer and the teammate of the player nearby can acquire the following buff effects according to each element for a certain period of time.
- However, Traces of Wind is only effective for 1 player killed by the last blow.
1. Breath of Earth: HP Recovery
2. Water Frost: Increases all defense.
3. Warmth of Fire: Increases all attack power
4. Song of Wind: Increases all attack power and attack/cast speed
Battlefield rules
- In Solare’s battlefield, the use of all recovery items that restore HP, MP / WP / EP, etc. are restricted, and the amount of natural recovery of HP, MP / WP / EP, is greatly increased.
- The amount of natural recovery inside Solare’s Arena is restored to the same level as when using Ornette/Odor’s Spirit Essence with a fairy who has learned the Miraculous Cheer V skill automatically.
- The recovery amount of the HP recovery techniques used in the battlefield is applied only by half of the existing recovery amount.
- Upon entering the battlefield, the ‘Black Spirit’s Rage’ values, as well as HP, MP / WP / EP, and skill cooldown and auxiliary resources are all reset.
- In addition to this, all buffs applied to the character will be temporarily stopped and will be reapplied after the match is over.
- Instead of stopping the buff effects being applied, the character’s maximum HP increases by +1000 on the battlefield, and 5 stages of critical strike, attack/cast speed, and movement speed are applied.
- However, the cooldown of Emergency Evasion is reset every round, and when the match starts, all other buff effects, except for buffs applied in the battlefield, such as skills and exclusive equipment, are not additionally applied.
- The defection penalty and penalty conditions for leaving the game have been added as follows.
- If the match is completed and the connection is terminated before the match, a grace period for escape will be granted for a certain period of time, and re-entry is possible if you reconnect to the stadium within that time.
- At this time, the time for other players to wait for the user’s re-entry during the escape grace time is additionally given as much as the escape grace time.
- A total of 2 types of penalties are applied for defecting from the match, and the penalties are applied according to the criteria below.
Before the Match
- Re-entry within the grace period: Normal progress
- Failure to re-enter within the grace period: Penalty to escape
- If the game is over because all remaining team members within the grace period have left: No change in score
After the game starts
- In case of not re-entering the game: Penalty for escape
- In case of re-entry to the match but losing: Departure penalty
- In case of re-entry to the match and winning: Normal victory points are awarded
- Leavers penalty 1: After the match ends, additional penalty points decreas
- Leavers Penalty 2: Add waiting time before starting the next match match
Solare’s Crest / Rank Score
- Solare’s crest has been added.
- Solare’s Arena score starts at 1050 and changes depending on the number of points increased or decreased in case of victory or defeat.
- If you win consecutive battles, the average score applied during matching will be increased, and matching will proceed with players with a higher score than your actual score.
- The following sentence steps are given for each section according to the score that fluctuates during the Solare window.
※ Solare’s crest can be easily understood by comparing the color of the jewel with the item grade in Black Desert.
- If the match is not conducted for a certain period of time in the sentence stage corresponding to the upper section, the score will be deducted periodically according to the grade as follows.
- Master V: If no match is played for 3 days, points will be deducted by -30 points per day
- Diamond I~III: If no game is played for 7 days, points will be deducted by -20 points every 3 days
- Obsidian I~III: If no match is played for 14 days, points will be deducted by -15 points every 7 days
Solare’s Token (exclusive equipment)
- ‘Solare’s Token’ can be used to unlock other equipment/crystals other than the basic equipment/crystals among the exclusive equipment used in Solare’s Arena.
- Equipment that has been unlocked can be changed at any time in the ‘Dedicated Equipment Settings’ menu, and a certain amount of Solare tokens required for unlocking can be obtained at the end of each match.
※ In this pre-experience held at the Black Desert Research Lab, for smooth play, the Solare token required for unlocking all equipment/modifications will be provided after the match is over.
Calpheon Elvia – Hexe Sanctuary
- Elvia’s realm has begun to encroach on Calpheon Hexe Sanctuary.
- Hadum’s energy resides in the souls of the dead who walk in Hexe Sanctuary, coloring Hexe Sanctuary with death.
Recommended Attack / Defense | hunting ground information |
Recommended AP: 300 Recommended DP: 390 |
<Scream of the Dead> The Green Orc Hexe Warrior’s hatred for life has been further amplified. <Scream of the Dead> The Green Orc Hexe Warrior’s shout provokes the nearby dead to attack nearby adventurers.
<Soul Harvester> Hexe Whitmus, who could not fully accept Hadum’s energy, begins to long for a whole soul. <Soul Harvester> When you defeat Hexe Whitmus, the harvested souls run rampant, raising new dead. |
Calpheon Elvia Balancing
- The following changes have been applied to the area of Calpheon Elvia’s Giant Garrison (Geaku Plain).
- The attack power of the giants appearing in the giant’s garrison has been strengthened.
- When enough ‘Souls Who Want Rest’ have gathered, resentment has been changed to gather more quickly.
- The size of the large group of giants who finally flock to the ‘Soul Who Wants Rest’ has been reduced.
- When ‘Giant Duelist’ is defeated, ‘Geaku’, which appears with a low probability, has been changed to perform more various attacks.
- The ‘Soul Who Wants Rest’, which appears at a probability when killing giants at the giant’s garrison, has been changed so that it does not appear when there is a giant duel.
- When a monster dies, it has been changed to fall more naturally.
“Nightmare” World Boss Improvements
Stormbringer Karanda
- Some patterns and difficulties of Karanda have been reduced.
- The damage of some attacks has been reduced.
- The attack range notification of some attacks has been improved to be shown earlier.
- Changed so that the attack range notification of special attacks that had to be avoided by seeing the omen motion without notification of the attack range is displayed.
- The attack range of some attacks has been improved to show better.
- The force that pushes the adventurer around has been reduced.
Nightmare Kzarka
- Some patterns and difficulty of Kzarka have been reduced.
- The damage of some attacks has been reduced.
- The attack range of some attacks has been changed to appear faster than now.
- The invisible attack range of some attacks has been changed to be visible.
- The power to attract adventurers has been reduced.
- The falling rock immediately after attracting adventurers has been removed.
- It has been changed to move through the remnants of Kzarka.
Bloodstorm Nouver
- Some patterns and difficulty levels of Nouver have been reduced.
- The frequency of flying and attacking while invincible has been reduced.
- It has been changed to come down to the ground more quickly while in flight.
- The attack speed and damage of some attacks have been adjusted.
- The attack range of some attacks has been adjusted.
- When starting a certain pattern, the sand cyclone that attracts adventurers and makes them unable to move has been changed to disappear.
Thundercloud Kutum
- Some patterns and difficulty of Kutum have been reduced.
- The attack speed and damage of some attacks have been adjusted.
- The attack range of some attacks has been adjusted.
- The attack range of some attacks has been improved to be clearly visible.
- The enhancement effect that can be received when 3 or more adventurers who have received the ‘Purification’ buff by purifying the dark clouds are gathered has been improved so that they can be received alone when purifying the dark clouds.
※ Reinforcement effect: Increases monster attack power, movement speed, attack speed, and casting speed greatly increases
Artifact/Lightstone Inventory
- A preset function has been added to the Artifact bag.
- You can easily wear and manage designated Artifacts through the preset function.
- After clicking the ‘Edit Preset’ button in the Artifacts tab of the Artifact Bag, you can save the Artifacts as a Preset.
- You can save up to 10 presets.
- In the preset editing state, you can select the name of each preset and change it to a desired name.
- You can check the effect of a combination by clicking the effect button of the preset.
- You can equip the artifact directly through the preset’s equip button.
- ※ When a preset artifact is installed, the artifact that is already being worn is automatically stored in the artifact bag.
- ※ You need at least 2 empty spaces in your bag to equip the preset artifacts.
- If a preset artifact is not currently in the artifact bag, the icon is displayed in red.
- The pad-only UI has been improved so that you can use the artifact bag and preset functions.
Season Server Graduation Notice
※ ‘Season: Dracania’ graduation will be available after the regular inspection on May 4, 2022, so adventurers will be informed in advance for your reference.
Dracania Awakening Weapon Preparation
- The following content will be added so that you can prepare the Dracania Awakening Weapon to be released later in ‘Season: In Dracania’.
- Tuvala pendant items are added. (This item cannot be worn and will be exchanged later.)
- This item is a ‘season character’ and can be obtained through quests from the Fughar NPC as a character whose class is ‘Dracania’.
- You can acquire the PRI (I) grade Tuvala Pendant upon completing the Fughar quest.
- ※ Tuvala pendant can be strengthened up to PEN (V) grade
- ※ It can be strengthened with black stone imbued with time or refined magical black stone, and durability can be restored with tuvala ore.
- You can use the ‘[Season] Tuvala Awakening Weapon Conversion Stone’ to convert the Tuvala Pendant from a seasonal item to a regular item .
- ※ Tuvala pendants in normal item status can be exchanged for Dracania Tuvala Awakening Weapons through a quest when Dracania Awakening is released later.
Season: Dracania Graduation
- You can graduate from the season by completing the ‘[Season Server Completion] At the Crossroads of Choice’ and ‘[Season Server Completion] Into a Wider, Wilder World’ quests.
- Upon graduating from the season, ‘[Seasonal gift] A dream of aurora unfolding!’ You can get quest rewards.
- ‘Season: Dracania’ Graduation Reward: Valks’ Advice (+100) Box
※ If you have not obtained the rewards from the previous season, you can choose to receive the rewards from other seasons instead of those rewards.
※ Other details are the same as the previous season server, and details will be provided when the official server is updated.
Fishing Quest Improvements
- The objectives of the general fishing quests have been improved as follows.
Quest name | existing goals | changed goals |
irresistible temptation | Catch 1 Benjari | Catch 1 yellow grade fish |
Revived Memories – Fishing | Catch 3 sea eels | Catch 3 blue grade fish |
Cryo and Dorumuk | Catch 1 squid | Catch 1 green grade fish |
Sit, throw, fish! | Catch 1 sea eel | Catch 1 blue grade fish |
- Fishing Guild missions have been improved as follows.
Scale | request goal | compensation |
small type | Catch 25 green grade fish | 17,000,000 silver Guild Skill EXP 10,000 New Year’s Eve Life Seal x1 1 Luxurious Support Item Box 4 drilling drawings |
small type | Catch 8 blue grade fish | 17,000,000 silver Guild Skill EXP 10,000 New Year’s Eve Life Seal x1 1 Luxurious Support Item Box 4 drilling drawings |
small type | Catch 3 yellow grade fish | 17,000,000 silver Guild Skill EXP 10,000 New Year’s Eve Life Seal x1 1 Luxurious Support Item Box 4 drilling drawings |
medium size | Catch 38 green grade fish | 26,000,000 silver coins Guild skill experience 20,000 2 Old Moon Life Seals 2 Luxurious Support Supplies Boxes 4 drilling drawings |
medium size | Catch 13 blue grade fish | 26,000,000 silver coins Guild skill experience 20,000 2 Old Moon Life Seals 2 Luxurious Support Supplies Boxes 4 drilling drawings |
medium size | Catch 4 yellow grade fish | 26,000,000 silver coins Guild skill experience 20,000 2 Old Moon Life Seals 2 Luxurious Support Supplies Boxes 4 drilling drawings |
large | Catch 50 green grade fish | 37,000,000 silver Guild skill experience 30,000 3 Old Moon Life Seals 3 Luxurious Support Supplies Boxes 4 drilling drawings |
large | Catch 17 blue-grade fish | 37,000,000 silver Guild skill experience 30,000 3 Old Moon Life Seals 3 Luxurious Support Supplies Boxes 4 drilling drawings |
large | Catch 6 yellow grade fish | 37,000,000 silver Guild skill experience 30,000 3 Old Moon Life Seals 3 Luxurious Support Supplies Boxes 4 drilling drawings |
extra large | Catch 63 green grade fish | 50,000,000 silver Guild Skill EXP 35,000 3 Old Moon Life Seals 3 Luxurious Support Supplies Boxes 4 drilling drawings |
extra large | Catch 21 blue grade fish | 50,000,000 silver Guild Skill EXP 35,000 3 Old Moon Life Seals 3 Luxurious Support Supplies Boxes 4 drilling drawings |
extra large | Catch 7 yellow-grade fish | 50,000,000 silver Guild Skill EXP 35,000 3 Old Moon Life Seals 3 Luxurious Support Supplies Boxes 4 drilling drawings |
small type | Catch 20 flounder | 31,000,000 silver coins Guild Skill EXP 15,000 New Year’s Eve Life Seal x1 1 Luxurious Support Item Box 4 drilling drawings |
medium size | Caught 10 Mackerel, Caught 10 Marlin | 42,000,000 silver Guild Skill EXP 25,000 2 Old Moon Life Seals 2 Luxurious Support Supplies Boxes 4 drilling drawings |
large | Caught 10 pufferfish, caught 10 herring | 53,000,000 silver Guild Skill EXP 35,000 3 Old Moon Life Seals 3 Luxurious Support Supplies Boxes 4 drilling drawings |
extra large | Catch 10 harefish sea bream, catch 10 sea bream | 64,000,000 silver Guild skill experience 70,000 3 Old Moon Life Seals 3 Luxurious Support Supplies Boxes 4 drilling drawings |
Other Changes
Item Changes
- Raffi Bed Mountain’s improved compass and archaeologist’s map have been changed to items that cannot be sold in stores so that they are not sold in stores.
- In the description of existing items whose item description has been improved, the use has been further improved so that the place of use takes precedence over the place of acquisition.
before further improvement | after further improvement |
![]() |
![]() |
Dark Rift Changes
- The location of the Dark Rift that appears in Orc Camp and Blood Monastery has been changed.
- The location of the Dark Rift that appears in Orc Camp has been changed to Alejandro Farm.
- The location of the Dark Rift that appears in the Blood Monastery has been changed to Southern Mountains.
- If there is currently an open Dark Rift in the area, it will be applied starting from the next created Dark Rift after defeating the boss.
Quest Changes
- It has been improved so that the cutscenes that were classified as stories that cannot be overlooked in the renewed Balenos main quests and Mountains of Endless Winter can be skipped from the 2nd round.
- If you complete the additional quests below after completing the initial main quest, you can skip the cutscene, which was a story that could not be overlooked when proceeding with the main quest with another character.
- Mountain of Endless Winter: Available when the [Winter Mountain] journey that can be accepted by Black Spirit is completed after completing [Winter Mountain] Beyond Arjeli’s Gate
- Balenos: Available when the [Balenos] journey, which can be accepted by the Black Spirit, is completed after preparing for the [Balenos] adventure.
- The sorting and visibility of the list of recommended quests/repeat quests in the Received Tasks (O) window has been improved.
- The NPC for the ‘[Adventure Journal] Battle to Get the Spellbook’ quest for Capras’ Adventure Log has been changed to a desk kiyak from Zahard, a smuggler in Valencia
- Accordingly, related quest contents, lines, and item descriptions have been modified
- After completing the ‘[Marnis] Reunion’ quest, it has been improved so that you can obtain the fishing rod required to proceed with the ‘[Marnis] Special Instrument] quest.
- Contribution EXP for 51 general quests in the Mountains of Endless Winter has been increased.
- Contribution EXP for 30 general quests in the Odilita area has been increased.
- Fixed the issue where audio playback stopped when manipulating a character during a cutscene.
Bug Fixes
- It has been modified so that pets can acquire loot more naturally.
- The phenomenon that only the silver embroidered farmer’s clothes among the silver embroidered clothes could be crafted at Grana and Duvencrune Costume Workshop has been fixed.
- The ambiguity of the summary description of the quest ‘Fill the stomach first’ has been corrected.
- Fixed the awkward position of the equipment durability alarm in the pad-only UI state.
- The phenomenon that the emoticon icon and the send button overlapped during a 1:1 conversation in the Friends (N) window has been fixed.
- The phenomenon in which the tail part of the Snowfield Illipica stuffed item is transparent has been corrected.
- The phenomenon that Snowfield Ilifica appeared overlapping with the terrain and could not be slaughtered after killing has been corrected.
- The phenomenon that the background music stopped after connecting to the character has been fixed.
- The phenomenon that the minimap in some areas was not the same as the actual background has been fixed.
- The phenomenon that the stable transfer of the Black Lake Temporary Post in the Mountain of Endless Winter was not possible has been corrected.
- ‘[Daily] Defeat the enemies in the rear, Papa!’ The quest summary and goal typos have been corrected
- A typo in the quest line for ‘Latent Gryphon’s Energy’ has been corrected.
- The typo in the description of the quest item ‘Star of Diamond Lake’ has been corrected.
- The typo in the description of the quest item ‘Ancient Spear, Cybelius’ has been corrected.
- [Balenos] Fixed the awkward quest summary in some quests.
- The phenomenon that some NPCs in the Western Guard Camp were exposed abnormally under certain circumstances has been corrected.
- The phenomenon that the quest goal of the ‘[Winter Mountain] Fox Season’ quest was awkward has been corrected.
- The phenomenon in which the quest description for the quest ‘For members of Dragon Sarang I, II’ has been corrected.
Class Changes
Witch, Wizard
- Fixed the issue where the Prime: Elemental Palace effect was not applied when holding the right-click after using the Prime: Earth Arrow skill.
- The phenomenon of awkward movement of certain parts when waiting as a guardian character has been corrected.
- During the description of Markthanan’s Heart skill, the phenomenon that the skill list for recovering health was included in the Prime: Ascent skill has been corrected.