Global Lab Changes this week!
Nouver Costume
- The Nuvelikant costume, depicting the powerful power of Bloodstorm Nouver, appeared to the world.
- In order to acquire the Nuvelikant costume, you must obtain the following items by defeating the bloodstorm Nouver.
Bloodstorm Nouver’s Cracked Horn | Bloodstorm Nouver’s torn wings | Eye of the Bloody Desert |
- If you find a scholar who has studied dragons for a lifetime in the Royal Palace of Valencia and bring them horns and wings, you can exchange the following items, originally made in his hometown.
Required item | Exchange item |
Bloodstorm Nouver’s Cracked Horn | Hibernating Nuvelikant Helm |
Bloodstorm Nouver’s torn wings | Hibernating Nuvelikant Armor |
※ Hibernating Nuvelikant helmet and armor cannot be worn as characters.
- According to the scholar’s words, in order to complete the hibernating Nouvelikkant helmet and armor, the power of “Bloodstained Black Stone” is required, and can be obtained by heating (L) the following two items.
Material item | Result item |
Eye of the Bloody Desert x1 Black Stone (Armor) x100 |
Bloodstained Black Stone x1 |
Eye of the Bloody Desert x1 Black Stone (Weapon) x100 |
Bloodstained Black Stone x1 |
- Hibernating Nuvelikkant helmets and armor can be enhanced to 20 levels to obtain a sealed Nuvelikant costume.
- The success rate of reinforcing the hibernating Nuvelikant helmet and armor is 100%.
* Each time you upgrade to level N, you need N bloodstained black stones.
- The success rate of reinforcing the hibernating Nuvelikant helmet and armor is 100%.
Material item | Result item |
PEN (V) Hibernation Nouvelikkant Helm Cantyrnia Crystals x30 Condensed Nouver’s Energy x3 |
Sealed Nuvelikant Helm |
PEN (V) Hibernation Nouvelikkant Armor Cantyrnia Crystals x30 Condensed Nouver’s Energy x3 |
Sealed Nuvelikant Armor |
- * Cantyrnia Crystals can be purchased for 500,000,000 silver coins at the Francia store in the Odraxia Ambassador.
- * Condensed Nouver Energy can be obtained by heating (L) 1 Condensed Boss Energy and 10 Latent Nouver Energy.
- * If you right-click on a sealed Nouvellikant costume, the seal will be released, and you can obtain a Nouvelikkant costume for each class.
Node War/Siege War and Guild Changes
- A policy system has been added that allows the guilds of lords and lords who won the siege to rule over the area they occupied.
- The policy system is a system that can give additional effects to certain activities of adventurers taking place within the occupied territory.
- Immediately after victory in the siege, the relevant lords and lords guilds receive part of the tax as guild funds as before, and part of it as “policy points” according to the amount of tax accumulated in the occupied province every week.
- Policy points can be invested with a special effect from immediately after the siege finishes until 5 hours after the start of the siege.
- The policy set for each province will be announced 1 hour after the end of the siege. The policy effect will take effect until the start of the next week’s siege war.
- The types of policies are as follows. This effect can be applied when there is a character in the territory.
1. Increased probability of obtaining certain hunting ground items
Location | hunting ground |
Balenos | Protty Cave, Sycraia Undersea Ruins, Sycraia Undersea Ruins (Upper) |
Serendia (Elvia) | Altar Imp, Ruin Ruins, Swamp Naga, Swamp Fogan, Orc Camp, Bloody Monastery, Biragahi Den |
Calpheon | Abandoned Monastery, Mari Cave (Traitor’s Cemetery), Stars End, Ash Forest, Forest Ronaros, Manshaum Forest, Gyfin Rhasia Temple |
Mediah | Schulz Guard, Kratuka |
Valencia | Crescent Temple, Ruud Sulfur Mine, Pila ku Prison, Akman Temple, Hystria Ruins |
2. Increased the amount of contribution experience earned upon completion of the quest
3. Increased combat experience obtained when defeating monsters
4. Increased skill experience obtained when defeating monsters
5. Increased life experience for each field acquired
6. Horse experience increase
- There is a level for each policy, and the effect increases according to the level.
- * Examples of effects according to the policy level of each hunting ground are as follows.
Policy level (example) | effect |
Akman Temple Lv 1 | Increases the probability of obtaining items that can be obtained by killing monsters at Aakman Temple +1% |
Hystria Ruins Lv 8 | Increases the probability of obtaining items that can be obtained by killing monsters in Hystria Ruins +8% |
- By consuming policy points, lords and castle lords can implement policies with additional effects.
1. For a certain period of time, a powerful world boss determined for each province has a 100% chance to appear.
Location | World boss |
Serendia | Nightmare Kzarka |
Calpheon | Stormbringer Karanda |
Mediah | Dark Clouded Kutum |
Valencia | Bloodstorm Nouver |
2. Change the fishing resources belonging to each province to abundance
- Immediately after the policy is announced throughout the world, votes for each province’s policy will be held for all adventurers in the Black Desert World.
- * Voting ends 2 hours before the start of the next siege.
- * At the same time as the deadline, the voting results are counted, and the rankings are ranked from 1st to 5th according to the number of votes in the 5 provinces of Balenos, Serendia, Calpheon, Media, and Valencia.
- * Additional guild funds fixed for each rank according to the aggregated ranking + (per remaining policy points × additional differential amount per rank) are added to provide additional guild funds to the lords and castles guilds.
- Guild funds can be obtained according to the policy vote of all adventurers in the Black Desert World.
Ranking of lords and lords guilds | Additional guild funds |
1st, 2nd, 3rd | Earn more guild funds than before |
4th, 5th | Earn less guild funds than before |
- Guild skills have been added to reduce the construction time of the node/siege buildings.
Guild skills | Guild skill effect |
Commander’s Gesture Lv.1 | 5% reduction in construction time of attached buildings before node/siege |
Commander’s Gesture Lv.2 | 10% reduction in construction time of subsidiary buildings before node/siege |
Commander’s Gesture Lv.3 | 15% reduction in construction time of attached buildings before node/siege |
Commander’s Gesture Lv.4 | 20% reduction in construction time of attached buildings before node/siege |
- The commander’s gesture skill requires 10 points.
- Commander’s hand gesture skills do not stack with previous skill effects.
- Skill effects do not apply to sloppy barriers and sloppy barricades.
- New skills have been added to the reinforced flame tower that can be used in node war/siege war.
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- After 4 normal attacks, press the F key to fill the gauge and use the focused flame emission skill.
- If you fill the gauge to the end, you can use the concentrated flame emission for about 5 seconds by consuming up to 8 reinforced flame tower oil.
- You cannot use the flame tower for about 5 seconds after using the concentrated flame emission skill.
- When selecting the node war information tab on the world map (M), the tooltip of each node has been changed so that you can easily check the contents related to the node war.

- The fighting spirit guild skill of the node war/siege battlefield has been changed to be applied to all participants of the node war/siege war, not the server used.
- The effect has been changed to apply to all players of the node war/siege war when using all node war/siege guild skill.
- A description of the battlefield’s fighting spirit has been added to the battlefield’s fighting spirit UI that is output during the node battle/siege battle.
- When the battlefield fighting spirit is introduced in the guild skill window, a phrase has been added that states that guild skill can be used in alliance units during alliances.
- The phrase that can be used by alliance units in the description of node war/siege war guild skill has been changed to a phrase that can be used by alliance units when the battlefield’s fighting spirit is introduced.
- The phenomenon that the fighting spirit UI of the battlefield output to the participants during the node war/siege war did not disappear intermittently at the end of the node war/siege war has been corrected.
- When using the guild skill before the node/siege, the cooldown time display has been modified to synchronize immediately to other servers.
- Fixed a problem where the explanation text did not appear when hovering over the icons at the top of the battlefield, such as the gathering command and gathering at the start of the node war/siege war.
- When there is no guild, it has been changed so that you cannot press the’our guild’ button in the world map node battle information.
- After setting the world map node battle information filter, pressing the reset button has been changed to reset our guild filter selection status.
- The phenomenon of being exposed as a weak barricade rather than a barricade in the fort war installation information has been corrected.
Guild War/Karma Change
- During the guild war, if the guild member’s karma is less than 0, it has been changed so that it can be attacked by the enemy guild.
For example, if Guild A and Guild B are at war If the [A1] adventurer belonging to the A guild is protected in the guild, but the karma is less than 0, [B1] adventurers belonging to the B guild can attack [A1] adventurers. |
Worker Update
- The ability to name workers has been added.

- The worker’s name is only displayed to the person himself.
- The worker’s name will be returned to the default name when registering on the exchange.
- As a result of the worker upgrade sent by the job supervisor, the contents of the mail have become more formal. When a worker is successfully promoted, the rank of the worker after the promotion has been added in the mail.
Other Changes
User Inferface Changes
- The page turn of the edit menu exposed at the top of the (New) menu has been modified to be saved in situations such as after loading and after moving to the server.
- The range that can be expressed in the quest title in the quest (O) and quest summary window has been widely modified.
- Among the hot time icons exposed at the top of the screen, training experience and life experience hot time icons have been added.
- When clicking the boss appearance notification banner, the boss notification setting window is opened so that the notification banner is turned off.
Quest/Knowledge Changes
- Dalisain, a disciple of Velia’s alchemist Alustin, appeared in each city. Alustin’s outstanding disciple, Dalissain, wanders through each metropolis and improves her alchemy skills. At Alustin’s request, Dalisign took the simple test Alustin gave to the adventurer for him.
- Dalisign is very interested in manufacturing recovery potions, and it is said that you can find it next to recovery potion vendors.
- The name of the Alchemy Breakthrough quest ‘[Breaking] Alustin’s Simple Test I’ has been changed to'[Unbreakable] Dalisign’s Simple Test I’.
- The quest that could be completed with the existing Alustin has been modified so that it can be completed with Dalisign.
- Quest list window (O)-Repeated quest tab-Corrected a typo regarding'[Daily] Unsinkable grudge’ in the material category of the released magical power.
- During the black star equipment production quest, the typo of the ‘Suspicious Blood Investigation’ quest has been corrected.
Monster Changes
- Some topography of the Hystria ruins has been changed. Accordingly, the location of monsters in some terrains has been modified, and the number of entities has been added.
Content Changes
- [Guild] Drilling assembly set items have been modified so that they are not used around the place where the Hystria ruins and the entrance of the Akman Temple appear.
Item Changes
- The text of the Black Stone (Weapon) and (Armor) item descriptions of the beginning have been changed to match the actual conditions as follows.
Before change | after |
To Fugar, <Executive Crows> in a big city Characters who have completed the main quest of the Calpheon Territory “Convene Adventurers” It can be exchanged for good items needed for growth. |
The character who has completed the Serendia Territory main quest From Fugar, the crow’s chief in the metropolitan city. Can be exchanged for Naru equipment needed for growth. |
Bug Fixes
- When using the pad-only UI, the background of the key guide has been changed to be displayed at the bottom of the Black Spirit’s Rage Technology Lock UI.
- When using the pad-only UI, the problem in which the item lock, item unlock, and shortcut related to viewing production information exposed at the bottom of the item tooltip are displayed based on the keyboard and mouse has been corrected.
- When using the pad-only UI, the problem that the recently successful cooking/alchemy window did not open during cooking and alchemy has been fixed. ● When using the box item held in the bag and pearl bag, the phenomenon that the number of pearl bag cells was checked even though the result item was an item to be put in the bag has been corrected.
- Corrected the phenomenon that the character could not move at a specific location in the Cron Islands region.
- After withdrawal from the guild, the phenomenon that voice chat is impossible or chat group use is not possible in the newly joined guild has been corrected.
- Corrected the phenomenon that the knowledge of’wild ginseng seeds’ that could not be acquired actually was exposed to the knowledge category.
- The phenomenon of monsters getting stuck in a specific rock in the northern plains of Serendia has been corrected.
- The phenomenon that the smoke effect follows the character unnaturally when canceling the boarding of the cannon at a specific cooldown time after firing the cannonball has been corrected.
- The phenomenon that the character’s falling motion was repeated in a specific area of the Gaipin Rasia Temple has been corrected.
- The phenomenon that the background of the next area looks awkward has been corrected
- Central neutral area
- Land of Ullim
Class Changes
- The bug that the Guard skill is used when the succession state is used and the forward slash skill is not used while moving forward has been corrected.
- After the Grim Reaper’s Judgment skill, the flow when using the Midnight Stinger skill, the bug that the Flow: Soul Reaper skill was activated has been corrected.
- When using the Purificatione skill in the cooldown time, the bug that the skill addon effect was not applied intermittently has been corrected.
- When using the Prime: Purificatione skill in the cooldown time, the bug that the skill addon effect was not applied intermittently has been corrected.
- Fixed the bug that the Core: Sticky Snowflake skill was activated when registering and using the Sticky Snowflake skill in the slot.
- The bug where the Absolute: Divider skill and Prime: Divider I skills can be acquired at the same time has been corrected.
- If you have already acquired both skills, the Prime: Divider skill is activated when using the skill, and you can receive skill points normally by resetting the Absolute: Divider skill.
- The bug that the animation was abnormally displayed when changing to a non-combat posture by pressing the Tab key momentarily after moving forward to the combat state using a talent weapon has been corrected.
- Fixed a problem where the attack range was applied abnormally when using the Haladie Throw skill during the cooldown time.
- Fixed a bug in which abnormal movements were displayed when jumping while changing to a non-combat posture by pressing the Tab key while moving in the Kyve state.
- The order of some explainations in the Prime: Spear Bolt skill description has been changed.
- The bug where you could not specialize in the Prime: Rift Storm and Prime: Spear Bolt skill has been corrected.
- The attack range has been changed so that when the Upsurge skill is activated in the forward direction, all hits are applied regardless of distance.
- After the Chain Lightning skill, the Radiant Annihilation skill has been improved so that it can be activated quickly.
- The attack speed of the Radiant Annihilation skill has been increased whilst the Arkanon effect is active.
- When the Lightning Prison was activated while using another skill, the bug that the skill could not be linked with the Bolt skill while using the skill has been corrected.
- The bug of returning to the original position when using the Lightning Surge skill after jumping from a high place has been corrected.
- Corrected the bug that the Arkanon effect of the Radiant Annihilation skill did not apply some hits to targets at a distance.
- The description of the operation keys of the Impaling Flash skill has been changed in more detail.
- The bug that Kibelius was displayed abnormally during the output motion immediately before falling from the high terrain in the awakening combat posture has been corrected.
- The acquisition level of the following skills has been adjusted to level 56.
- Rift Storm I
- Upsurge I
- Lightning Prison I
- Impaling Flash I
- The bug that the effect of the skill addon was not applied in a specific situation of the following skills has been fixed.
- Hit and Dash in certain situations of the Spear Bolt skill
- One hit of Divine Executioner skill
- The first hit of the Upsurge skill