Class Reworks
The class reboots will be released on the live servers once they are completed for all the classes.
Before using the skills of rebooted classes on the Black Desert Global Lab, please make sure to reset your character’s skills to minimize any possible issues. Patch notes related to the class reboot on the Black Desert Global Lab will be translated to other languages and released afterward.

- When using Twisted Collision skill from a high place, the bug of landing with unnatural motion output has been corrected.

Succession Tamer has been updated with a focus on making better use of Heirang. We improved the attack pattern of Heirang, which had to rely on luck and boarding Heilang, which was difficult to use in the past, so that Heirang can move as desired. Also, although it was not included in this week’s update, we are improving the problem that movement or advanced skills are not linked except for certain skills after using skills like a ranger.
Main weapon
- The following skills have been removed and changed to be applied as the basic effect of specific skills.
Removed Skills | Skills applied as default effects |
Ultimate: Bolt Wave | Bolt Wave |
Flow: Scatter Stance | Bolt Wave |
Ultimate: Jolt Wave | Jolt Wave III ~ Absolute |
Flow: Spray Scratch, Flow: Hidden Claw | Heilang: Scratch |
Flow: Tree Bound | Flurry of Kicks |
Flow: Geyser | Heilang: Surging Tide |
Flow: Flashing Step | Flash |
Flow: Water Slice | Heilang: Upward Claw |
Streaming Flow | Flowing Water |
- The knockback effect of the Streaming Flow skill has been changed to be applied even during PvP.
- Evasive Attack skills have been changed as follows.
- The knockback effect upon successful hitting has been removed.
- Damage has been adjusted.
- Void Lightning skill has been changed as follows.
- Skill description has been modified to match the action and actual effect.
- An additional hit has been added to the last move of the skill.
- Cast speed reduction effect has been added upon successful hitting.
- Improved to finish using skills faster if not holding Q input.
- The phenomenon that the Super Armor effect was not applied at the start of the skill has been fixed.
- Air Lightning skill has been changed as follows.
- It has been changed to receive additional damage from the Void Lightning skill.
- Improvements have been made so that the Super Armor, Heirang effect, and attack speed and casting speed reduction effects of the Air Lightning skill are activated upon successful hitting.
- The distance to move backwards has been increased.
- Heilang: Scratch skills have been changed as follows.
- The movement distance of the skill has been changed to be the same as the Absolute: Scratch skill, and the movement distance has been increased.
- Skill damage has been adjusted.
- The effect of “Knocking out the opponent on a successful hit” effect has been removed.
- The additional mental damage effect applied in stages I to IV of the skill has been removed.
- The air attack applied when linking the scratch skill after jumping has been deleted.
- Flash: Pole Thrust skill has been changed as follows.
- The direction of the skill has been changed.
- The number of hits in the I ~ III stage of the skill has been changed to be the same as the Absolute: Flash Pole Thrust skill.
- * In accordance with this, the damage of I ~ III stages of the skill has been adjusted
- The range of the attack, which was different for each hit, has been changed to be the same as the widest range of the skill.
- The effect of “Knocking out the opponent on a successful hit” effect has been removed.
- Flash: Stance Shift skill has been changed as follows.
- The direction of the skill has been changed.
- The number of hits in the I ~ II stage of the skill has been changed to be the same as the Absolute: Flash Stance Shift skill.
- * In accordance with this, the damage of I ~ II stages of the skill has been adjusted.
- The mental power that was restored for each hit object upon successful hit has been changed to be restored according to the number of hits, regardless of the number of objects.
- * The amount of recovery has been increased accordingly.
- Sharpening Claws skill has been changed as follows.
- Changed to single-step skill.
- Changed to the Flash: Stance Shift skill.
- * The effect of bleeding damage to the target upon successful hitting has been removed.
- * Upon successful hit: The additional mental power recovery effect that matches the level of the Flash: Pole Thrust skill has been removed.
- * The effect of reducing the opponent’s attack power has been added when the attack is successful with the Flash: Stance Shift skill.
- * Added the effect of increasing your attack power when you hit a successful hit with the Flash: Stance Shift skill.
The Sharpening Claws skill has been changed so that you can see a definite advantage when using the skills that follow from the flash skill to the end. Reducing the magic defense of the flash skill and linking the skill after obtaining the magic attack power increase effect of the flash: stance shift skill, you can link more powerful combos than before.
- Heilang: Throat-Burn has been changed as follows.
- The behavior of the skill has been changed.
- Skill damage has been adjusted.
- The health restored for each hit object upon successful hit has been changed so that it recovers according to the number of hits, regardless of the number of objects.
- * The amount of recovery has been increased accordingly.
- It has been changed so that it can be registered and used in the skill slot.
- Cooldown has been changed to 7 seconds.
- Front guard effect has been added.
- The knockback effect has been changed to Float (applies only to monsters).
- Air attack is applied when the first hit is successful, and the down attack is applied when the second hit is successful.
- Heilang: Surging Tide skill has been changed as follows.
- The range of the attack, which was different for each hit, has been changed to be the same as the widest range of the skill.
- The phenomenon in which the directing and actual attack range were applied differently when used during the cooldown has been corrected.
- Changed so that the number of hits and attack range do not decrease when used during the cooldown.
- Changed so that the movement speed reduction effect is not applied when hitting a successful hit during the cooldown.
- Heilang: Roaring skills have been changed as follows
- Skill activation speed has been increased.
- The last move of the skill has been removed.
- Skill damage has been adjusted.
- The movement speed reduction effect upon successful hitting has been changed so that it does not apply during the cooldown.
- The floating effect when an additional hit is successful has been changed to be applied even during PvP.
- The air attack effect of the additional blow has been changed to apply even during the cooldown.
- The damage has been changed to decrease during the cooldown.
- When riding in Heilang, the basic behavior has been changed as follows.
- When sprinting by pressing the Shift key, the movement speed has been increased.
- Improvements have been made to make it easier to change directions during basic movement.
- The skills that can be used when riding Heilang have been changed as follows.
- As a result, all effects and operation keys applied after boarding Heilrang in the description of existing skills have been deleted, and the names of existing skills have been changed.
- Skills that can be used while riding Heilang have been improved so that they are displayed separately.
- Skills that can be used while riding Heilang have been added as follows.
skill name |
Heilang: Whiplash Heilang: Throat-Burn Heilang: Fearful Trembling Heilang: Legendary Beast’s Power |
- The following skills that can be used while riding Heilang have been newly reorganized.
skill name |
Heilang: Leaf Slash Heilang: Void Lightning Heilang: Scratch Heilang: Lightning of Earth Heilang: Surging Tide Heilang: Roaring Heilang: Trample |

- Heilang has been changed as follows.
- Heirang’s damage has been adjusted, and the description of Heilang’s summoning skill has been improved so that the damage of the hit he is attacking is displayed.
- The behavior of Heilang at all stages has been changed to be the same as that of Prime: Summon Heilang
- Status effects applied to all Heilang effects have been changed so that they are not applied when the skill that the effect is activated is on cooldown.
- In the basic state, all basic attacks made by Heilang have been changed so that the status effect is not applied.
- Command skill has been changed as follows.
- As the skill has been changed, the Command: Stay, Command: Sit skill has been renamed to Command: Protect, Command: Help.
Command: Attack | All of Heilang’s basic attacks are affected by status ailments. When the Heilang effect is activated, if there is a targeted target, Heilang moves and attacks the target. It uses more various types of basic attacks than the basic state. |
Command: Protect | Heilang is always located in front of Tamer. All of Heilang’s basic attacks are affected by status ailments. |
Command: Follow me | If Heilang is in the standby state, it will be changed to a mount state. All basic attacks do not apply status effects. |
Command: Help |
Ignores all Heilang effect commands of the Tamer and attacks by itself. All of Heilang’s basic attacks are affected by status ailments. The attack that was previously used only for the Heilang effect command is used as a basic attack. |

- Prime: Void Lightning skill has been changed as follows.
- Skill description has been modified to match the action and actual effect.
- The phenomenon that the Super Armor effect was not applied at the start of the skill has been fixed.
- Cast speed reduction effect has been added upon successful hitting.
- Improved to finish using skills faster if not holding Q input.
- It has been changed to trigger an additional hit when the skill is finished.
- Floating and Air Attack of additional blows have been removed.
- All defense increase, attack speed, and cast speed reduction effects are not applied during the cooldown.
- The attack range of the skill has been increased.
- Skill damage has been changed as follows.
skill name | Before change | after change |
Prime: Void Lightning I | 650% x 13, 650% x 3 | 840% x 13, 840% x 4 100% bonus hit critical strike chance |
Prime: Void Lightning II | 866% x 13, 866% x 3 | 1002% x 13, 1002% x 4 100% bonus hit critical strike chance |
Prime: Void Lightning III | 1011% x 13, 1011% x 3 | 1230% x 13, 1230% x 4 100% bonus hit critical strike chance |
- Prime: Surging Tide skill has been changed as follows.
- The range of the attack, which was different for each hit of the skill, has been changed to be the same as the widest range of the skill.
- The attack range of the skill has been slightly reduced.
- When the skill is used during the cooldown, the number of hits and attack range have been changed so that it does not decrease.
- When the skill is successfully hit during the cooldown, the evasion rate reduction and movement speed reduction effects are not applied.
- Prime: Throat-Burn has been changed as follows.
- The behavior of the skill has been changed.
- Skill damage has been adjusted.
- The health restored for each hit object upon successful hit has been changed so that it recovers according to the number of hits, regardless of the number of objects.
- * The amount of recovery has been increased accordingly.
- The skill has been changed to a skill that cannot be used during the cooldown, and the cooldown has been changed to 7 seconds.
- The forward guard effect has been added to the skill.
- The knockback effect of the skill has been changed to Float (applies only to monsters).
- Air attack and down attack have been added when the skill hits successfully.
- A down smash effect has been added when the skill’s 2nd hit is successful.

- Prime: Lightning of Earth skill has been changed as follows.
- When using a skill, only the last hit of the existing Prime: Lightning of Earthskill has been changed to be activated.
- Skill damage has been adjusted.
- The amount of HP recovered when a skill hits a successful hit has been increased.
- The skill has been changed to recover stamina while using it.
- The skill’s HP recovery and defense reduction effects have been changed so that they do not apply during the cooldown.
- The range of the attack, which was different for each hit, has been changed to be the same as the widest range of the skill.
- The damage has been changed to decrease when the skill is used during the cooldown.
- Prime: Upward Claw skill has been changed as follows.
- The attack range of the first hit of the skill has been increased.
- For additional hits, the range of the attack, which was different for each hit, has been changed to be the same as the widest range of the skill.
- All hit rate increase effects have been changed so that they do not apply during the cooldown.
- Prime: Roaring Skill has been changed as follows.
- Skills have been improved so that they can be activated by pressing Shift + C.
- Skill activation speed has been increased.
- The last move of the skill has been removed.
- Skill damage has been adjusted.
- The attack range of the I ~ III stage of the skill has been changed to be the same as that of the IV stage.
- The movement speed reduction effect upon successful hitting has been changed so that it does not apply during the cooldown.
- Floating and air attack effects have been removed when additional hits are successful.
- The down attack effect has been added to the skill.
- The skill’s critical hit rate has been changed to apply even in PvP.
- The cooldown has been changed to decrease according to the skill level from 20 seconds at all stages.
- The damage has been changed to decrease during the cooldown.

- Cloud Stomping, Flow: Cloud Ride skill has been changed as follows.
- The attack range of 1 hit has been increased.
- The existing continuous strike has been changed to activate by default.
- The movement distance of the skill has been increased.
- Changed to consume stamina when using skills.
- Flow: Cloud Ride skill has been deleted and changed to the effect of the cloud stomping skill.
- Beast Rampage has been changed as follows.
- The attack range of the skill has been increased.
- The behavior of the additional blow has been changed.
- The damage of additional hits has been adjusted.
- The floating effect on additional hits has been deleted, and the down smash effect has been added.
- After additional hit: It has been improved so that it can be linked with the Flow: Intimidation skill.
- Flow: Intimidation skill has been changed as follows.
- The skill description has been changed to be more detailed.
- The attack range of the skill has been increased.

- Garuda has been changed as follows.
- The skill description has been modified to match the action.
- Changed so that down attack is applied to the first hit.
- The air smash effect has been removed from the extra hit.
- The effect of reducing the number of hits in PvP has been removed.
- * The damage dealt in PvP has been adjusted accordingly.
- Flow: Ascension skills have been changed as follows.
- The skill’s slap hit has been removed.
- The damage of the skill has been changed to a skill with a separate damage that is not affected by the damage of the Garuda skill.
- * The skill’s hit rate, critical strike chance, PvP damage, and number of hits have been adjusted accordingly.
- The down attack effect has been changed so that it is always applied regardless of the hitting conditions.
- Moonlight Strike skill has been changed as follows.
- The number of hits of the I ~ II stage of the skill has been changed to be the same as that of the III stage.
- The effect of reducing the number of hits during PvP has been removed
- * PvP damage of skills has been adjusted accordingly.
- The movement distance of the skill has been increased.
- Flow: Full Moon skill has been changed as follows.
- The behavior of the skill has been changed.
- The attack range of the skill has been increased.
- Skill damage has been adjusted.
- Instead of consuming stamina when using skills, it has been changed to consume stamina.
- The effect of “Rotate target upon successful hitting” has been removed, and the effect of “Bound (applied to monsters only)” has been added upon successful hitting.
- Down smash effect has been added.
- After using the skill, it has been changed to be linked with 3 hits of the sky stick training and additional blows of the divine beast.
- The effect of reducing the number of hits during PvP has been removed.
- * PvP damage of skills has been adjusted accordingly.
- The additional attack range of the Allround Spinner skill has been increased.
- Flow: Soaring Strike skill has been changed as follows.
- The behavior of the skill has been changed.
- The damage of the skill has been changed to a skill with a separate amount of damage that is not affected by the damage of the Allround Spinner skill.
- * The damage of the skill has been adjusted accordingly.
- The attack range of the skill has been increased.
- Cooldown changed from 18 seconds to 10 seconds.
- The skill has been improved so that it can be used by registering it in the skill slot.
- The effect of reducing the number of hits during PvP has been removed.
- Legendary Beast Dance have been changed as follows.
- The following effects applied when using the four directions in each direction have been deleted.
Use of skill by direction | deleted effect | changed effect |
Suzaku | 80 burn damage every 3 sec for 9 sec on successful hit Knocks opponent back on successful hit (applies to monsters only) |
– Apply the following effects regardless of direction Upon successful hit, movement speed is reduced by 30% for 5 seconds Recovers +8 Health and Spirit for each successful hit. (based on stage IV) |
Hyun Moo | Increases all defense for 10 seconds when using skills 10 Upon successful hit, movement speed is reduced by 30% for 5 seconds |
blue dragon | Recovers +8 Health and Spirit for each successful hit. Upon successful hit, movement speed is reduced by 30% for 5 seconds |
backhoe | Increases all defense for 10 seconds when using skills 10 Upon successful hit, movement speed is reduced by 30% for 5 seconds |
- The critical hit rate has been changed to apply in PvP.
- * The amount of damage reduced during PvP for skills has been adjusted accordingly.

- The Echo Pierce skill has been changed as follows.
- The basic attack range of the skill has been changed to apply to the attack range of the Ultimate: Echo Pierce skill.
- * Accordingly, the activation speed of the skill has been changed to be the same as before the acquisition of Ultimate: Echo Pierce.
- * The damage of the skill has been adjusted accordingly.
- The effect of reducing the number of hits during PvP of the skill has been removed.
- * The damage dealt in PvP has been adjusted accordingly.
Other Classes
- The direct effect left on the ground when the Eat This! skill is used has been changed to match the skill effect.
- Even if the ‘Remove other adventurer effects’ option is enabled in the game settings, the effects of the following skills have been changed to be exposed.
- Aal’s Breath, Prime: Aal’s Breath
- Aal’s Breath, Prime: Aal’s Breath
Halloween Content
- Mad scientist Marni’s mysterious playground is coming to the world soon.
- In Marni’s suspicious playground, where bizarre screams can be heard when the eerie darkness falls, many creatures are prepared to appear in the world, from the Airship.
- We hope that you will enjoy a different play that you have never experienced before in Marni’s suspicious playground.

We hope to meet Marni through the official server update of the borrower along with various new events. ‘Great Marni, the best Marni!’
Siege/Node War
- Balenos, Serendia Tier 1 stats limit value has been changed.
- In the case of Easy and Medium Tier 1 node restrictions, it was calculated based on the wearing of TET (IV) and PEN (V) Tuvala equipment and TET (IV) accessory sets, and the hit rate and evasion rate limits are applied as before. .
- The changed stat limits for the tier 1 Easy Node Wars are as follows.
Tier 1 Easy Node War | ||
Before change | after change | |
Attack Power | 261 | 300 |
Defence | 652 | 671 |
Accuracy | 15 % | 15 % |
Evasion | 755 | 784 |
Evasion rate | 15 % | 15 % |
Damage Reduction | 181 | 215 |
Damage Reduction Rate | 7 % | 11 % |
All resistance | 20 % | 30 % |
- The changed stat limits for the Tier 1 Medium Node War are as follows.
Tier 1 Medium Node War | ||
Before change | after change | |
Attack Power | 300 | 310 |
Defence | 671 | 682 |
Accuracy | 15 % | 15 % |
Evasion | 787 | 816 |
Evasion rate | 15 % | 15 % |
Damage reduction | 215 | 243 |
Damage Reduction Rate | 9 % | 14 % |
All resistance | 20 % | 30 % |
Other Changes
Item Changes
- When the Item Drop Scroll is activated, the warning notification according to the remaining time has been adjusted to be displayed when less than 1 minute.
Content Changes
- When fighting Atoraxion: <Urchios of the Decisive Battle> in Vahmalkea, the effect will be exposed even if the following options are disabled in Phase 2.
- Removed the long-distance adventurer effect
- Removed other adventurer effects
Quest, knowledge Changes
- The text of the quest summary window for ‘Daphne’s Matchlock’ has been modified naturally.
- Received Quest (O) – The quest list for ‘[Adventure Support Lv.53] General’s Accessories, Finding Hidden Power’ in the Recommended Quest tab has been modified so that it is not exposed when it is a season character.
Backgrounds, NPCs, Effects, Cutscenes
- The positions of NPCs in Kusha Village, Trina Fortress, and Heidel City have been modified more naturally.
- Geas’ Journal has been improved to be exposed in a more natural position.
- The phenomenon in which the quest completion dialogue for ‘Introduction of Jamcas’ was exposed differently from before has been improved.
System Changes
- Optimization work for goods in the central market has been carried out.
Bug Fixes
- In the composition/score window of a music album, if you click on the note writing area with the title field activated, the phenomenon where the cursor effect remains in the title field has been fixed.
- The phenomenon that the number of specimens stacked on the Great Marni’s Stone was changed under certain circumstances has been corrected.