Players can obtain a Fairy companion and level it up to receive passive and active skills/buffs. Your fairy is shared across your account and some skills are very useful for quality-of-life improvements. The most desired fairy skill is “Miraculous Cheer V”, which allows you to automatically use potions. When this skill is paired with the Infinite Potions, players never need to worry about buying or using potions again since it all happens automatically in the background!
How to Obtain your Fairy
Make sure to take Cooking Honey x2 and Laila’s Petal x1 with you to complete the quest line!
Cooking Honey can be obtained from the Marketplace, or from the Hunting Lifeskill and shooting beehives.
Laila’s Petal can be obtained by defeating monsters, gathering, fishing, or buying from the Loyalty Store (F3).
To start the quest line, you will need to be level 52 or higher and you will have to have already completed the “Looking for Adventurers” or “[Boss] Witch-Hunting quest” from the Calpheon Main Story.
- Take the quest “Fairy Queen Theiah” from your Black Spirit (suggested tab).
- You can also find the quest in your quest log (O) under “Suggested” > [ADV Support][Lv. 53] Fairy, Mysterious Companion
The quest will take you to Kamaslyve Temple in Mediah (east of Heidel).
The reward will give you a Sealed Fairy Wing. This is a RNG box that will give you a random tier fairy when you open it.
Register your new companion by right-clicking the item in your inventory. You can then summon the Fairy and view its information by clicking the icon in the top left corner and clicking the “summon” button.
Fairy Tiers and skills
Fairies have 4 tiers and each tier can have a different amount of levels and skills.
- Faint – Tier 1 – 10 levels – 2 skills (including Gift)
- Glimmering – Tier 2 – 20 levels – 3 skills (including Gift)
- Brilliant – Tier 3 – 30 levels – 4 skills (including Gift)
- Radiant – Tier 4 – 50 levels – 6 skills (including Gift)
All fairies start with the Gift (Luck +1) skill and will learn a random new skill every 10 levels.
Each skill also has a level of 1 to 5 which is completely random when you learn the skill. Higher-tier fairies have a better chance of gaining higher levels and only Radiant fairies (tier 4) are able to gain level 4 or higher skills.
When leveling Tier 4 fairies, it is important to only level it up to level 10 so that you can reroll the skills and try to obtain the best fairy possible.
- This is because the amount of Theiah’s Orbs you need to use depends on the fairy’s level. So make sure the fairy is as low level as possible when rerolling skills.
- Level 10 – 19: Theiah’s Orb x1
- Level 20 – 29: Theiah’s Orb x2
- Level 30 – 39: Theiah’s Orb x3
- Level 40 – 49: Theiah’s Orb x4
- Level 50 or higher: Theiah’s Orb x5
Fairy Appearances/Personalities
There are 5 different appearances/personalities you can get:
- Meticulous – green glow
- Joyful – orange glow
- Aloof – blue glow
- Prim – pink glow
- Serene – yellow glow
The appearance you get is shown in your fairy’s information and is completely separate from the tiers and skills. Appearances only affect the color of the Morning Star skill.
If you want to change the color of your fairy’s Morning Light skill, you can reset her persona through Fairy Rebirth.
- This does not reset your fairy skills/level and only changes their personality (at random)
Meticulous Morning Star skill (green)
Joyful Morning Star skill (orange)

Aloof Morning Star skill (blue)

Prim Morning Star skill (pink)

Serene Morning Star (yellow)

Fairy Limited Edition Skins
During certain events, limited edition skins have been made available for purchase on the Pearl Store.
If a skin is available, players can change their fairy appearance by clicking the “appearance” button on the information window.
(Image credit:
Growth (leveling your fairy)
To increase your Fairy’s level, you will need to feed it equipment (unenhanced) and other items. Click the growth tab in your fairy’s information and then click an item in your inventory that you want to feed to the fairy.
- It is recommended to use cheap blue-grade gear such as Lemoria or Akum armors.
Here is a full list of all the materials you can feed her and their EXP:
You can also purchase Ornette’s Dark Honey Wine from the Pearl store (Travel Aid > Fairy) for 150 pearls each, 11 for 1500 pearls, or 25 for 3300 pearls. These give approximately 13000 EXP.
When leveling a Tier 4 fairy, it is important to only level it up to level 10 so that you can reroll the skills and try to obtain the best fairy possible.
- This is because the amount of Theiah’s Orbs you need to use depends on the fairy level. So make sure the fairy is as low level as possible when rerolling skills.
- Level 10 – 19: Theiah’s Orb x1
- Level 20 – 29: Theiah’s Orb x2
- Level 30 – 39: Theiah’s Orb x3
- Level 40 – 49: Theiah’s Orb x4
- Level 50 or higher: Theiah’s Orb x5
Rebirth and Upgrading (Sprouting)
There are two different types of Rebirth:
- Reset Growth – reset all of the fairy’s skills and level back to 1.
- Reset Persona – only changes the fairy’s personality to a different one at random. This will change the color of the Morning Star skill.
To rebirth your fairy, they must be at least level 10 and you will need a Fairy Queen’s Might, which can only be bought from the Pearl store (Travel Aid > Fairy) for 1,000 pearls.
Once your fairy reaches the maximum level, it has 1 chance of upgrading (sprouting) to the next tier.
- This will require a certain amount of either Sweet Honey Wine OR Ornette’s Dark Honey Wine.
- The more materials you use the higher your chance of success, up to a maximum of 100% chance. The chance of success is shown when you open the upgrade window.
- Upgrading (sprouting) your fairy will reset the fairy’s skills and set the level to 0 if successful
Sweet Honey Wine (cooking recipe):
- Top-Quality Cooking Honey x2
- obtained by shooting and looting Wild Beehives south of Velia. Then process (L) > Grinding the Wild Beehive for a chance of obtaining Top-Quality Cooking Honey
- Full-bodied Exotic Wine x4
- Sugar x10
- Fruit x2
Ornette’s Dark Honey Wine (pearl store):
- Obtained from the pearl store (P3) > Travel Aid
- 150 pearls for x1
- 1,500 pearls for x11
- 3,300 pearls for x25
If the upgrade fails, you can rebirth the fairy and level it again to try and upgrade it again.
How to get a new Fairy (repeatable quest)
If you are unhappy with the tier or skills your fairy has, you can release it and register a new one. There is a repeatable quest at Kamaslyve Temple from Theiah. You must give her 2 Laila’s Petals and she will give you a
Sealed Fairy Wing which you can open to obtain a random tier.
Radiant fairies (the highest tier) are very rare and it is very unlikely you will get a fairy this way. It is often recommended to level a tier 3 and then upgrade your fairy with sprouting.
You can also exchange any fairies you don’t want at Ceilyn, who is just opposite Theiah. She will give you Sweet Honey Wine which is used to level and upgrade fairies
- Faint Fairy Wings (Tier 1) > Sweet Honey Wine x1
- Glimmering Fairy Wings (Tier 2) > Sweet Honey Wine x3
- Brilliant Fairy Wings (Tier 3) > Sweet Honey Wine x20
- Radiant Fairy Wings (Tier 4) > Sweet Honey Wine x40
Brilliant (Tier 3) and Radiant (Tier 4) fairies can also be exchanged for Mythical Feathers at Harawen. These are a material needed to awaken a Tier 10 Mythical Horse.
How to obtain the BEST Fairy (F2P)
- The most desirable skills to gain are:
- Miraculous Cheer V
- Feathery Steps V
- Fairy Tear IV
- Continuous Care V
- Once you have those skills, the last skill is up to the preference of the player.
- Many players argue that Miraculous Cheer V is crucial, especially if you want to PVP.
Obtaining a Radiant (Tier 4) from exchanging Laila’s Petals is very rare! Unless you are blessed by the RNG gods, you will most likely start with a tier 3 fairy.
Before you upgrade your fairy or start leveling Tier 4 fairies, save up as many Theiah’s Orbs as possible from events and attendance rewards. Theiah’s Orbs are also a pearl store item and allow you to reroll your fairy’s skills.
- The amount of Theiah’s Orbs you need to use depends on the fairy level. So we want to make sure the fairy is as low level as possible when using them.
- Level 10 – 19: Theiah’s Orb x1
- Level 20 – 29: Theiah’s Orb x2
- Level 30 – 39: Theiah’s Orb x3
- Level 40 – 49: Theiah’s Orb x4
- Level 50 or higher: Theiah’s Orb x5
After you have at least 10 Theiah’s Orbs you can upgrade your fairy to tier 4 using Sweet Honey Wine. Now that the fairy is a Tier 4, use Lemoria Armor to increase the fairy’s level.
- Increase your fairy level up to level 10 AND STOP!
Check which skill your fairy obtained when it leveled.
If your fairy did not learn Miraculous Cheer V, then you will now use 1 of your Theiah’s Orbs to reroll the skill. Check the skill it learned and repeat until you either have Miraculous Cheer V, or you ran out of Theiah’s Orbs.
Unfortunately, if you do run out of Theiah’s Orbs, you can either risk leveling the fairy up to 20 to see if the fairy learns the skill naturally, or you can wait until you have more Theiah’s Orbs. If your fairy still doesn’t learn the skill naturally at max level, you will be forced to use Theiah’s Orb x4 for each reroll attempt, or pay pearls to rebirth your fairy (putting it back to level 1).
If the fairy obtained Miraculous Cheer V, then congratulations! You can now level up your fairy to 20 to see the next skill. Ideally, you will want the Feathery Steps V skill next and you can now use Theiah’s Orbs x2 to reroll the skills. Continue this process until you run out of Theiah’s Orbs. Level the fairy up to the max level to get the rest of your skills. At a later date, you can save up Theiah’s Orbs for more attempts at getting your perfect fairy skills.
Made a spreadsheet when fairies were released to calculate what is cost efficient and how much items you need
Akum and Lemoria are the easy available items (Chest, Helm, Gloves, Boots all have the same xp) but not the cheapest but the cheaper items are usually not available in required quantities.