Tier 10 (T10) horses are the best horses available in the game, and add extra skills, appearances, and functionality to the Tier 9 version.
The Tier 10 horses are called Mythical Arduanatt (Pegasus), Mythical Dine (Unicorn), and Mythical Doom.
It is also worth noting that the Tier 10 (T10) Mythical horses do not have a gender and although they are worth more than Tier 9 (T9) version, they cannot be placed on the Horse Market to be sold to other players.
Materials needed for a Tier 10 (T10) Attempt
In order to create a Tier 10 (T10) Mythical Horse, you need both a male and female Tier 9 Horse of the same type. Both horses must be level 30, but their skills and stats do not matter.
Once you have both horses, take them to either Stonetail Ranch or Grana Stable. You then need a new item called Mythical Censer.
Old Moon Censer Recipe and Materials
You need 1 Old Moon Censer for each T10 attempt.
There are 3 different recipes you can choose from to craft an Old Moon Censer.
OR |
OR |
Old Moon Censer Mold
Old Moon Censer Mold can be purchased from any Old Moon Manager for 20,000,000 silver each. You need 1 of them for each T10 attempt.
Locations of Old Moon Managers can be found below:
Mythical Powder Recipe and Materials
In total, you need 10 Mythical Powder for each T10 attempt.
Flower of Oblivion
Flower of Oblivion is obtained by exchanging horses using Imperial Horse Delivery, you need 100 of them for each T10 horse attempt.
You can obtain Flowers of Oblivion x100 by selling an Imperial Steed, but this is very rare and not relialbe.
The other way to obtain them is by selling a level 15 or higher horse using Imperial Horse Delivery by checking the horse in at a Stable Keeper. Click the button “Imperial Horse Delivery”. You will obtain silver for the horse, as well as Imperial Training Seals, and a certain amount of Flower of Oblivion.
The amount of Flower of Oblivion you get depends on the tier of the horse.
Horse Tier | Flower of Oblivion |
6 | 10 |
7 | 15 |
8 | 20 |
Royal Fern Root
Royal Fern Roots can be obtained via a weekly and daily quest. You need 100 of them in total for each attempt. They are one of the more annoying bottlenecks since it is time-gated and requires you to complete a quest each day.
You can also obtain Royal Fern Root x100 by selling an Imperial Steed, but this is very rare and not relialbe.
The weekly and daily quests can be obtained from Wapra at Stonetail Ranch, or Liana in any major city.
- Weekly quests reset every Thursday at 00:00 UTC.
- Daily quests reset everyday at 00:00 UTC.
For the Daily quest, you will complete 1 of the following quests.
The one you accept and complete depends on your current Training level, and the higher training level, the more Royal Fern Roots you get, so its best to use a character with as high Training level as possible.
You can also obtain up to x90 Royal Fern Roots each week by completing the Old Moon Grand Prix (Horse Racing) weekly quests.
These quests are obtained from Jetina the Old Moon Manager, who can be found in every major town or city.
Quest Name | How to Complete |
Reward |
[Weekly] Grand Prix, Become the Best | Hand over Old Moon Grand Prix Coin x10 |
[Reward (Select 1▼)]
[Weekly] Old Moon Grand Prix, Rider of Honor I | Hand over Old Moon Grand Prix Coin x20 |
[Weekly] Old Moon Grand Prix, Rider of Honor II
Hand over Old Moon Grand Prix Coin x20 |
[Weekly] Old Moon Grand Prix, Rider of Honor III
Hand over Old Moon Grand Prix Coin x20 |
Mythical Feather
There are a few different ways of obtaining Mythical Feathers, and you need 10 of them for each T10 attempt.
Most of these options are unreliable (such as the Imperial Steed), and it is recommended to preorder Mythical Feathers when possible.
If there are none on the market, the best ways to obtain them would be either exchanging Fairies, or completing the Weekly quests.
![]() |
![]() |
Other Items and Tips
Another annoying item to get hold of is the Fruit of Nature. For each attempt, you need x100 of them. It is recommended to breed crops for them on your farm if you are having trouble getting hold of them.
If you really need a lot of fruits, you can also use Mysterious Seeds, since these give a high amount of fruits when you breed them (30 – 40 fruits per seed). Mysterious Seeds are randomly obtained when harvesting, breeding, pruning, or killing pests on a Special/Magical Seed.
To use Mysterious Seeds, combine them with one of the crop seeds above using processing (L) > Shaking. You must be Artisan level 1 or higher to tend to Mysterious Seeds. Make sure you select “Breed” when collecting them to obtain fruits instead of the crops. It’s also important to note that you will not get any seeds back when you use Mysterious Seeds.
Atanis’ Element can also be exchanged for Fruits or Krogdalo’s Origin Stone. This item is obtained by defeating monsters in certain grind spots, and can be exchanged through the Manage Currency UI.
- Click the Manage Currency icon
on the top right of the screen (next to your mini-map).
- Or open the UI by going to the ESC Menu – Rewards (F3) – Manage Currency Menu
![]() Monster Zones to Loot Atanis’ Element
Polly’s Forest Traitor’s Graveyard Desert Naga Temple Titium Valley Mirumok Ruins Bashim Base Cadry Ruins Crescent Shrine Fadus Habitat Protty Cave |
Exchangeable Items | Atanis’ Element Required | ||
[Select one from the following six items]
![]() ![]() ![]() Katzvariak’s Venom, Valtarra’s Memory, Narc’s Solace ![]() ![]() ![]() Tranquil Tinniolum, Blood Wolf’s Oath, Dragon’s Fang |
x1 | ||
![]() Fruit of Nature x15 |
![]() Krogdalo’s Origin Stone
x20 |
Tier 10 (T10) Breeding Process
Once you have created the Mythical Censer, you need to put both of your Tier 9 horses at either the Stonetail Ranch stable, or Grana Stable, to attempt to awaken the horse.
You need both a male and female Tier 9 Horse of the same type. Both horses must be level 30, but their skills and stats do not matter.
- If the dream process fails, the materials are consumed but both of the horses will be returned to you.
- If the dream process is successful, you will exchange both horses for a new Tier 10 Mythical horse which will be level 1.
Agris Essence for Mythical Horses
The Ancient Anvil (Agris Essence) System has also been added to Dream Horse (T9) and Mythical Horse Awakening (T10).
- The Agris Essence (stacks) needed to successfully awaken a horse with 100% chance is 30 stacks.
- This means if you fail to awaken a tier 10 horse 30 times then the next time attempt will succeed with 100% chance.
Mythical Horse Appearances
Tier 10 (T10) Arduanatt Appearance
Mythical Arduanatt has 2 different appearance options. All Mythical Arduanatts start with the basic (red and black) skin shown below and can be swapped to the newer skin for a small price.
To change the appearance, you can buy a Quturan’s Fruit item from Francia in O’dylitta. This item costs 100 million silver and can be used at a Stable Keeper to change your Mythical Arduanatt’s Appearance.
Tier 10 (T10) Dine Appearance

Tier 10 (T10) Doom Appearance

Tier 10 (T10) Horse Skills
A Mythical horse can be leveled using the Courser Method, like a normal T9 horse to acquire all horse skills. All tier 9 skills are available on a Mythical horse, as well as new exclusive skills.
When a Tier 10 (T10) Mythical Horse is born, it automatically learns the following skills:
Tier 10 (T10) Arduanatt Stats and Skills
Tier 10 Arduanatt horses are also born with these additional skills:
Mythical Arduanatt also has the ability to dash forward by pressing [Q] while using the Wings of Freedom skill.
- However, this action can only be used while having the Wings of Swiftness, which is a basic skill of Mythical Arduanatt.
Tier 10 (T10) Dine Stats and Skills
- Consuming all Breath of Okiara will dismount you from your Mythical Diné.
- You can dismount from Mythical Diné while standing on water. You can also mount Mythical Diné while swimming (as long as there’s Breath of Okiara to spare.)
Breath of Okiara will naturally replenish whenever Dine is on land:
- Idle, moving, and using skills on land (mounted)
- While standing idle on land (unmounted)
Tier 10 Dine horses are born with these additional skills:
- Using Quicksilver at shallow waters or swamps such as Catfishman Camp, Swamp Naga, and Swamp Fogan Habitats, and Tshira Ruins, will not consume the Breath of Okiara.
- You can mount Mythical Diné with a matchlock equipped, but cannot gallop across the water while it’s still equipped.
Tier 10 (T10) Doom Stats and Skills
- Detailed information on Mythical Doom’s inherent skills are as follows:
Skill |
Preceding Skill |
How to Use |
Stamina Consumption |
![]() Shadows of Hellfire |
None | ↓ + E | 400 |
Summons two Mythical Dooms. The summoned Dooms can be ridden by the caster, guild/party members, or allies freely. When using this skill, the caster who summoned the Dooms will receive the Trace of Shadows buff for 20 min. While the buff is active, using the Shadows of Hellfire will not summon the Dooms, but will apply the following effect to up to 10 nearby allies: Movement speed +5% for 1 min ※ The summoned Dooms will disappear automatically after 10 min or if the caster logs out, regardless of whether they are being ridden or not. |
![]() Infernal Sprint |
Dark Sprint | Auto-activated after Dark Sprint | 600 |
Automatically activated after using Dark Sprint. Move forward at a fast speed and deal damage with a melee attack for a certain period of time. Flames are generated around the target on hits, dealing damage. Additionally, the caster receives a HP +200 effect every 3 sec for 15 sec when using the skill. ※ Like Dark Sprint, the flames generated around the caster upon successful hit with Infernal Sprint will damage everyone except the user. |
![]() Infernal Legion |
Acquire one or more of the following skills: Charge, S: Charge, Instant Accel, S: Instant Accel, Dark Sprint, Infernal Sprint. |
↑ + E while using one of the preceding skills (ex. ↑ + E while Charge) |
400 |
Inflicts gradual flames damage to enemies in front, while using Charge, S: Charge, Instant Accel. Cooldown: 10 sec |
- The summoned Mythical Doom has Lv. 30 stats and can use a total of 16 skills, including Two-seater, Dark Sprint, and Infernal Sprint.
Krogdalo’s Sanctuary Treasure Item
Krogdalo’s Sanctuary is a treasure item that allows you to store and retrieve the 3 types of Mythical Horses at any time.
For example, you might be using your Doom to run through an area, then you can swap to Arduanatt to fly over a mountain or swap to Dine to travel across the desert. This can all be done without needing to visit a stable keeper.
To unlock the treasure item, you must first collect all 3 Mythical Horses: Mythical Arduanatt, Mythical Diné, and Mythical Doom. Then, complete a short questline starting at Merindora in Grana.
it’s really not clear in some sections do you need one of either or all materials, for example Mythical Powder Recipe and Materials section, do you need either of the materials to grind to get mythical powder or you need all of them, I’m not able to check myself in the game for few days. Even if you need all it’s not said and that is hell of a lot to do… uff.
yep nvm you need all of the mats. F me…