Calpheon Ball (Festa) 2024 is a live presentation by Pearl Abyss and took place in Suwon, South Korea. As well as the in-person event, Calpheon Ball 2024 is live-streamed worldwide and aims to share upcoming content for the beginning of 2025. This year the Calpheon Ball was extra special as it marks the 10th anniversary for Black Desert service.
The Calpheon Ball 2024 Livestream took place on 14th December 2024 and was hosted by CM Endlaive, CM Nox, and CM Etsu. The live presentation is originally given in Korean, but translated in advance.
If you missed the presentation you can catch it at the following official links:
Coupons and Gifts
You can redeem coupons either by going to the Official Website Main Menu > Shop > Redeem Coupon Code, or directly in-game through the ESC Menu > Adventurer Support > Redeem Coupon Code
10th Anniversary Travel Kit Contents |
![]() Neverending Adventure Box x1 * Open the box to obtain J’s Special Scroll x10! |
![]() Item Collection Increase Scroll x10 |
![]() [Event] Lara’s Warm Black Tea x10 |
![]() Courser’s Aura x10 |
![]() Blessed Message Scroll (120 min) x10 |
![]() Blessed Message Scroll (120 min) x10 |
![]() Secret Book of Florin x10 |
![]() [Event] Giovan Grolin’s Support Scroll x10 |
![]() Mercenary’s Experience (60 min) x10 |
![]() Mercenary’s Life (60 min) x10 |
Mythical Dream Horse and Duskwing
You will be able to choose a FREE Tier 10 horse (Pegasus, Doom, Dine) from a Mythical Dream Horse Box, available after 24th December 2024.
There is also a 14 day trial where you can ride a yellow dragon called “Duskwing”. This event takes place on 16th January 2025.
Daily Login Rewards
- Log into the game between Dec 20, 2024 (Fri) 00:00 (UTC) – Feb 26, 2025 (Wed) 23:59 (UTC)
Items | |
Day 1 |
![]() Choose Your Winter Outfit Box |
Day 2 |
![]() Advice of Valks (+150) |
Day 3 |
![]() Advice of Valks (+160) |
Day 4 |
![]() Advice of Valks (+170) |
Day 5 |
![]() [Event] Dim Origin of Dark Hunger x3 |
Day 6 |
![]() [Event] Dim Origin of Dark Hunger x3 |
Day 7 |
![]() [Event] Dim Origin of Dark Hunger x3 |
Day 8 |
![]() Choose Your Spring Outfit Box |
Day 9 |
![]() Advice of Valks (+180) |
Day 10 |
![]() Advice of Valks (+190) |
Day 11 |
![]() [Event] Dim Origin of Dark Hunger x3 |
Day 12 |
![]() [Event] Dim Origin of Dark Hunger x3 |
Day 13 |
![]() Mythical Censer |
Day 14 |
![]() Mythical Censer |
Day 15 |
![]() Choose Your Summer Outfit Box |
Day 16 |
![]() [Event] Dim Origin of Dark Hunger x3 |
Day 17 |
![]() [Event] Dim Origin of Dark Hunger x3 |
Day 18 |
![]() [Event] Dim Origin of Dark Hunger x3 |
Day 19 |
![]() [Event] Dim Origin of Dark Hunger x3 |
Day 20 |
![]() Choose Your Fall Outfit Box |
Day 21 |
![]() J’s Hammer of Loyalty |
Upcoming Content – Schedule Dates
* Some dates may be different for console updates
- New Class (Deadeye) – Global release 24th December 2024
- New player and Season update – 24th December 2024
- Life Skill Mastery Update – 8th January 2025
- Blizzard Costume and Winter Festival – 8th January 2025
- Voltarion Horse – 15th January 2025
- Sea Crystals Update – 25th January 2025
- Horse Training Update – 25th January 2025
- Arena of Solare – January 2025
- Hardcore Server – January 2025
- Fish Guide Update – 25th February 2025
- Sailor Auto-fishing Update – 25th February 2025
- Crew Management Update – 25th February 2025
- Atoraxxion Orzekia – February 2025
New Class – Deadeye
- The latest class is the 29th class in Black Desert, and called “Deadeye”.
- Deadeye will be released globally on 24th December 2024, but you can test the class on Global Lab in advance.
- It is a female class and a gun-wielding class with a western cowboy style.
- Deadeye is a character that crossed over from earth into the Black Desert world. She is originally from a place called “New Victoria” which is a fictional place inspired by Texas in the US. On earth, Deadeye was the leader of the Canary Gang, and met Marni before crossing over to the Black Desert world.
- The new class uses a revolver and shotgun as her main and offhand weapons, with a rocket launcher called “Lil’ Devil” as the awakening weapon.
- She does not have the usual Succession/Awakening and is an Ascension class like Archer and Scholar.
- The revolver and shotgun are designed for quick and fluid use. She has quick draw and other signature moves you would expect from a Western cowboy.
- Her rocket launcher offers long-range, heavy-hitting abilities. You can combo skills in the air, and bombard enemies from afar.
- Due to her being a long-ranged class, she also has kiting abilities, such as “Run ‘N Gun”. This skill allows rapid movement to the left or right while firing her revolver. Another skill is “Trailblaze”, a special movement skill where Deadeye throws her rope and swings forward while firing her shotgun. The skill can also be combo’d with the rocket launcher skills in the air.
- In addition, Deadeye uses special Marni Ammunition alongside the regular ammo.
- Using regular ammo in the revolver can deal high damage to single targets like in the real world, regular ammo in the shotgun can be used at close range to deal more damage to a closer enemy, and using regular ammunition with Lil’ Devil allows for immediate damage.
- Using Marni Ammo in the opposite, they deal less damage but will penetrate enemies and their explosive attack has a wider area. Using Marni Ammo with the revolver allows for penetration with the damage applying in the direction (not at the targetted enemy). The shotgun deals consistent damage despite distance, and the rocket launcher is slower but deals continious damage with a larger explosion.
- Videos going into more detail of her abilities will be uncovered on the 17th and 18th of December.
New Player and Season Server Improvements
- These improvements will be added on the 24th of December 2024, alongside the release of the new class.
- Additional failstacks (+50 – 100) will be given during the Season server growth phase
- The season server will be given a constant Combat EXP +1,000% buff.
- After graduation from the Season server, new players will be given items towards Infinite Potions and materials for the guaranteed PEN Boss gear.
- New players can go and pick up a quest to obtain 100 Atanis Elements and 40 Oquilla Pieces of Old Moon
- You will also get special Marni Stones for the infinite potion grind spots. If you fill these up you will obtain a total of 3,000 caphras stones (500 per stone).
- There were also concerns about Sovereign and Kharazad items being a difficult challenge for new players. When graduating, you will receive one “Essence of Ascent – Weapon” and “Essence of Ascent – Accessory”.
- Using the Essence of Ascent with a PEN Tuvala Weapon allows you to upgrade it into a HEX (VI) Tuvala weapon. The Tuvala weapon can then be upgraded all the way to DEC (X). The DEC Tuvala can then be upgraded into an untradable PEN Blackstar Weapon. The expected cost is estimated to be around 20-30 billion silver in total.
- Using the Essence of Ascent on a converted Tuvala accessory will upgrade it to HEX (VI) enhancement level and can then be upgraded to DEC. This process is 100% guaranteed success with no failures but requires 90 Essences of Dawn. The DEC Tuvala accessory you create can then be exchanged for a TET Kharazad Accessory.
- These 2 items will be given to all players once per account. If you already have Kharazad accessories and do not need the Essence of Ascent item you can process it into 30 Essence of Dawn.
- Blackstar and Godr-ayed weapons will be made easier to enhance. For Blackstar, the number of Ancient Anvil stacks you need is being dropped from 40 to 20 for TET > PEN enhancement. For Godr-ayed, the ancient anvil stack is being reduced by half for each enhancement (PRI > PEN).
Life Skill Improvements
New Items
- The life skill mastery cap will be raised to 3,000.
- Reaching 3,000 mastery with the current lifeskill gear is very difficult due to how hard the gear is to enhance. New life skill gear will be added, starting with “Preonne” accessories.
- Just like Kharazad accessories, these Preonne accessories have 10 enhancement levels (up to DEC) and do not break if you fail an enhancement.
- However, unlike Kharazad, these accessories use a fixed enhancement success rate without using stacks (just like Manos).
- The accessories also use the existing Black Gems to enhance them.
- Preonne accessories can also be listed on the central market.
- Preonne accessories can give up to 250 mastery when enhanced to DEC.
- SEP > OCT enhancement is fixed at 8.5% success rate with 18 Ancient Anvil stacks.
- If you already own TRI or higher Manos accessories you can swap them to enhanced Preonne accessories.
- Preonne accessories can only be obtained by exchanging Manos Accessories.
- New items are being added for Fishing, Hunting, Cooking, and Alchemy
- “Manos Fishing Chair”, “Manos Hunting Bag”, “Manos Ladle”, and “Manos Flask”.
- The Fish Guide will be updated. The fish guide is a log where your caught fish are recorded. You can use it to see the size of the biggest fish you have caught for each type of fish. To make use of this system, a “Weekly Fishing Tournament” will be introduced. In this tournament, 5 types of fish will be randomly chosen each week and during the tournament, players who catch the largest of these fish will have their rankings recorded. Fitting rewards will be given out at the end of the week.
- New fish species, including Prize catches, will continue to be added.
- “Sailor Auto Fishing” will be added. In the upcoming Carrack update, sailor management will be extended. Players can assign a sailor to fishing and that sailor will auto-catch fish while you are sailing. Fish that are caught by your sailors will go straight into your player inventory (not ship inventory). You will need to equip a special fishing rod in your ship equipment window to enable auto-fishing.
- Adventures can also now hire a “First Mate” to join their crew. The First Mate comes with the “Ocean Compass” ability, and depending on which First Mate you hire, they might save you parley points for Bartering, handle ship repairs, or use BreezySail for longer.
- You can place Sailors in other role slots as well, such as Sails, Deck, Helm, Cooking, and Cannons.
- These roles affect the ship in different ways, for example, placing a sailor into the sails role can double the sailor’s ship speed and acceleration stats.
- The new sailor management can be used on 5 ships: Carrack (Advance/Balance/Valor/Volante) and Panokseon.
- Each ship has a different number of slots.
- For example, Volante has 2 sail slots and only 1 cannon slot, whereas Valor has 1 sail slot and 2 cannon slots.
- Sea Crystals stat range is quite large so the range is going to be halved to give a better chance of obtaining great stats.
- Also, if you have Ebenruth’s Nol, you cannot equip a Sea Crystal since they share the same equipment slot.
- There is now a new item called “Ebenruth’s Ocean Tear Nol”.
- This item will combine the effects of a sea crystal and the Ebenruth’s nol.
- However, only the new “Rusalka Sea Crystal” can be used to combine with Ebenruth’s Nol.
- Rusalka Sea Crystal comes with the highest level stats and is crafted using 10 Origins of Margoria.
- Currently, you can only obtain 1 Origins of Margoria through processing a Margoria Crystal, but this will be increased to 2.
- The durability of Ebenruth’s Nol has also been removed so you can use it without worry.
- EXP gain for horses will be increased so it is approximately 25% faster than before.
- You can now register wild horses using an empty wagon. Take an empty wagon and catch up to 4 horses at once, then take them back to the stable to the stable to register them all.
- Currently, when a horse levels up, the stats can improve by 0.1% – 1.3%. This range is quite large and now, depending on your training level, the range will be from 0.6% – 1.3%.
- A training simulator will be added. This simulator will let you see your horse’s growth details and how well it is growing. It will also show skills and breeding chances all in one place.
QoL Updates
Character Tagging
- A feature will be added that lets you decide if you want your tagged characters to share their location or be separate. This will be a toggle button that you can turn ON/OFF in the Tag Character UI. This allows you to separate your characters freely when needed. For example, you may want to grind in different monster zones or send one character to a node war without changing the location of the other character. To toggle the feature so that they are sharing the location again, they must be in the same spot.
- A lot of players wanted an additional character to be added to the tag system, but because of the way it was originally designed, it would take a complete overhaul to add more characters. This is something the developers cannot do at the moment but are taking on board and exploring other solutions and improvements.
- Item Copy also used to take up to 450 Marni Fuel, this is going to be reduced to just 45 Marni Fuel.
Item Improvements
- You can now get equipped gear straight from another character’s inventory.
- “Auto-move to Current (Storage)” and “Auto-move to All (Storage)” features can be used by maids and storage containers in a residence. In addition, you can now auto-move to Guild Storage.
- Expiration dates will be removed from items such as Supreme Old Moon Scrolls.
- The fairy skill, Continous Care, is used to auto-use consumables, but when buffs run out there is a 5-second delay before the skill is used, which can put you in great danger in high level monster zones. This delay is being reduced to 1 second.
- You will be able to check your AP and DP bonus stats directly in-game through “My stats”.
Guild Missions
- The old random system for Guild missions is being removed and you will be able to pick which missions you want from the entire list.
- However, to stop guilds from only doing the most efficient missions, each mission will be restructured with different rewards to make them more interesting and appealing.
- You will be able to see who accepted the Guild Mission in the Guild Logs.
Workers and World Map
- The “Delivery” skill for workers is being changed to a default skill. Previously you needed the worker to be level 40 to use this skill and choose which storage the items were sent to.
- You can hire workers for other towns without traveling there.
- You will also be able to promote multiple workers at once.
- For the world map, there have been issues with frame drops when opening and closing the world map. These issues have been greatly improved so it is much smoother and much faster.
- You can now change the position of your character in the ESC Character Selection window.
- When you download your settings, the character set positions will be saved too. This feature only works on the character selection window and not the login screen.
PVP Updates
- Resistance effects will be kept for PVE but no longer apply for PVP. For example, if you spot a gap in Super Armor and use a CC skill, it will always land without any immunity.
- Class damage ratios are currently seperate, but will be grouped depending on class traits and other categories will be explored such as melee, shield, magic, ranged classes. In-game skill descriptions will be updated to reflect these traits. Succession and awakening will be handled seperately for each class.
- The above changes will be tested on Global Lab testing server beforehand.
Red Battlefield
- Red Battlefield rewards will be updated and improved significantly.
- Red Battlefield will be changed into a matchmaking system. This will stop players from being able to join late.
- Afking during Red Battlefield will affect your matchmaking and your rewards.
Guild League
- The new Guild league will begin once Arena of Solare ends.
- 2nd and 3rd Teams will be added to the Guild League. For some larger guilds, not all members could join in, so these extra teams have been added.
- The MMR used for matchmaking will be based on your entire Guild, so 1st, 2nd and 3rd team will all use the same MMR.
- 1st teams will primarily match against other Guild’s 1st teams. 2nd teams VS other 2nd teams, etc. If no match is found, they can be matched with eachother.
- Since the goal is to have fun without any pressure, the 2nd and 3rd teams won’t affect the score by wins/losses.
- To prevent exploits, the 2nd team can only join matches if the 1st team are already playing.
Arena of Solare
- Arena of Solare will be coming up in January 2025.
- The biggest update is the addition of a replay mode. Your matches will be saved as files allowing you to view them again.
- There is an event bar at the bottom of the replay mode that helps you to see when things like kills happen.
- You can freely rotate the camera and choose to view from any player’s perspective.
- You can download and view other player’s matches too, and the files can be shared across different regions all over the world.
- With a balance patch, old videos will not be available anymore as the version will change, so record them as a video if you want to keep them forever.
- The developers hope this will come in handy for making montages as well!
Node/Conquest Wars
- Node War Stat caps will be adjusted to 600 and 720, respectively. The stats for both conquest and node wars will be unified.
- The rule to increase the time after destroying the castle gate is being removed and the conquest war time will be set at 2 hours.
- The duration of Construction mode node wars has been increased to 2 hours and a balance patch is being prepared to improve the effects of the buildings.
- For example, in the case of the Flame Tower, the effect of reducing the enemy defense and evasion will be applied on hits, and the elephant will be adjusted to be stronger.
- Trina Demolition Axe and Matchlock will be rebalanced.
- The Black Dragon mount “Harbringer of Doom” which was previously teased will be added as a PVP honor reward for Guilds.
- The dragon won’t be easy to tame, and being a castle lord doesn’t automatically make you its master. You need to accomplish great feats to earn the mount.
- In War of the Roses, individuals will be able to control the dragon, but that won’t be an easy journey either.
Hardcore PVP Server
- The hardcore PVP server was previously announced at the Heidel Ball 2024. It is now scheduled for January 2025.
- The hardcore server is a separate server where surviving and collecting survival points is the goal.
- You can access the server for up to 2 hours a day to kill monsters and try to survive.
- All players on the hardcore server are hostile and your survival points reflect how good you are at combat and decision-making.
- The hardcore server has exclusive gear and everyone will start with basic gear. You can acquire additional items and better upgrades through grinding.
- The exclusive gear has a durability and cannot be repaired. The durability also decreased on death.
- There are no food or elixir buffs and the only information you have about your enemy players is their current survival points.
- There is no chat, parties or platoons. Even trying to work together using 3rd party communication is difficult.
- You start at a random location in the desert and must go to one of the 4 sanctuaries located in the desert to register your survival points and safely escape the desert. However, if you leave the hardcore server, re-entry is not possible for the rest of the day.
- Bosses such as Puturum and Laytenn spawn in random locations and you can earn a lot of points by defeating them.
- You can also steal survival points from other players by killing them. Dying to a monster or player will cause you to lose some of your points.
- If you die, you can ressurrect at a random location in the desert and continue for the rest of the 2 hour window.
- If too many players gather in the same area, the dark fog can spawn and only one player can make it out alive.
- Other features are also planned such as titles, daily quests, and unique loot.
Atoraxxion 4th Dungeon – Orzekia
- Orzekia will be the 4th and final dungeon for the Atoraxxion PVE Dungeons.
- It is currently planned to be updated in February 2025.
- There will be a single player version for players who want to experience the lore without difficulty.
- Unlike other atoraxxion dungeons, the “trash mob areas” aren’t just a forced path on the way to the boss and will also work as a monster zone as well. Players who just want to defeat the boss can skip them. This will be added to all the other Atoraxxion dungeons as well at a later date.
- The monster zone in Orzekia has a requirement of at least 350 AP.
- The dungeon boss in Orzekia is the “Thornwood Knight” and after the release of Orzekia, players will defeat the final boss “White Witch Illezra”. This final boss is currently in development and will be the grand finale of part 1 of Black Desert’s epic story.
New Dream Horse
- A new T9 dream horse called “Voltarion” will be arriving on 15th January 2025.
- The horse is themed around lightning and may be called the lightning horse or thunder horse. Its mane and tail are surrounded by blazing lightning.
- The skills are called “Lightning Charge” and “Thunderfall”.
- As well, when using the Double Jump, a short blink forwards is activated automatically.
- You can then use “Lightning Charge” to charge forwards while in the air. The skill can be used both in the air, and on the ground.
- The “Thunderfall” skill slams down to the ground and can be used when Voltarior is airborne by pressing the F key. Thunderfall slams to the ground like a thunderbolt, dealing AoE damage and inflicting a stun.
- Voltarion can only be unlocked by adventures who have achieved certain feats in PVP or PVE (basically it’s a content reward and not through training).
- For example: materials for the new horse can be obtained through level 8 – 10 of Black Shrine (Solo)
- An Ancient Anvil system will also be added for T9 and T10 horses. The Anvil stack for both will be 30 attempts.
- There is an idea which is currently only in planning stages. If a player obtains all 3 mythical horses and the Krogdalo’s Sanctuary, they can summon each horse, but the developers are playing with the idea of being able to combine them all into one horse. For example, on land the horse may run like doom, when in the air it can fly like pegasus, and when it touches water it turns into dine.
Land of the Morning Light – New Content
- A 3rd monster zone will be added to the Land of the Morning Light Region. This monster zone will be the Golden Pig Cave.
- Unlike existing monster zones, Golden Pig Cave will be more of a personal monster zone. When you talk to the NPC, the battle begins and the monsters that spawn are only visable to you. If you keep defeating monsters then the Golden Pig King will be spawned and upon defeating him one grind session will be complete.
- The monster zone has a mechanic called “the piggy bank”. Each time you defeat the Golden Pig King, energy will be stored in the statue. When it is completely full it will burst and spill gold coins everywhere. Any players that have recently defeated Golden Pig King on that server can collect them.
- Calamity levels 8, 9, and 10 will be added to the Black Shrine (Solo) bosses.
- These levels only use your own gear and you can only enter these new levels if you reach 330 AP for level 8, and 350 AP for level 9 and 10.
- Unlike other levels, these new and harder difficulties only have a fixed number of attempts each week
- Materials for the new Dream Horse can be obtained from these new Black Shrine difficulty levels.
Demonland – Upcoming Region
- Demonland, “Edania” is the new region expansion coming and the main story quests will be the grand finale of Act 1 in the Black Desert Story.
- This region will connect the story of the last 10 years of Black Desert, with the next 10 years of story and make a significant chapter in the game’s history.
- There are 4 locations shared today to give a teaser of what is to come with the new region.
- The first location is Hashashin Temple, the base of operations of the Hashashin. It is a stronghold watching the doors to Alyaelli, the Hakinza, to prevent demon creatures from the demon realm from entering our world.
- The second location is Enslar’s Realm. The name may be familiar as this is the location of the boss “Enslar”, the ancestor of the Valkyrie. The castle is known as Orbita, and lies in Enslar’s Domain.
- The third location is Jordine’s Castle in Aetherion.
- The final location in the teaser is Zephyrus’ Castle. This is the location of Caphras, the final boss of Edania Part 1. Adventurers will battle through crimson lands, take on fierce monsters, and finally break siege into the fortress to confront the immortal alchemist himself.
- In the teaser, 3 bosses were revealed, but there are 5 in total and the developers are working on 2 more strongholds to add to the region.
- The first adventurer to conquer any of these castles will become ruler and lord over that domain, known as the “Edana”.
- As the Edana, you have certain benefits, such as being able to freely PK players in your domain without losing karma. Another privilege is that a portion of the revenue from adventurers defeating monsters in your domain can be collected as taxes.
- Other players can challenge the position for Edana and the current Edana must always accept the challenge.
- If the Edana is away from the game for too long, a boss will take over the domain and take on the challenge on their behalf.
- The developers explained this system as being like “personal node wars” and that it is still in early planning for now.
Winter Costume and Event
- Tumbling Snowflake Field, located in the Mountain of Eternal Winter is the location for the winter festival event.
- Players can take part in snowboarding and ice fishing.
- There is also a new costume “Noonbora” which is scheduled for 8th January 2025.
- The costume is released with three themes: Papu, Crio, and Black Spirit, along with a snowboard