Server: EU
Class: Ranger
Level: 64

About BDFoundry
Black Desert Foundry began on in 2015 with Korean Patch Note translations and basic guides for the popular MMORPG, "Black Desert Online". Since then we've become a well-known source for guides and one of the most popular fan sites in the European and North American community.
About Tansie
Other games I have played include Lost Ark, Tera, Archeage, Heroes of the Storm, and League of Legends.
Click here for my current gear and BDO progress.
Other Contributors
Below is a list of our Contributors. Without the help of our contributors we wouldn't have the website to the quality it is now. If you are interested in becoming a contributor you can contact us using the contact form below or by emailing us at [email protected].





Contact us
How to reach us
If you have any questions or concerns you can send us an e-mail using our e-mail address below, or use our contact form on the left to submit a message. Alternatively, you can leave us a message on Facebook or directly through our MMOFoundry Profiles.
[email protected]