Dream horses (tier 9) are not available through the usual breeding method and take a lot of time and effort to achieve. Tier 9 horses and Tier 10 horses are end-game mounts in BDO and all have unique abilities. There are 4 types of dream horses, but this guide focuses on the following 3 horses.
If you would like information on the 4th Dream Horse (Voltarion) please check our dedicated Voltarion Guide.
To obtain a FREE Tier 9 horse, you simply need to collect the items from your (Y) Challenge rewards. All players obtain these rewards simply by logging in for the first time, and there are no other requirements to obtain them.
Now that you have the Vipiko’s Dreaming Horse item, you can right-click it to select your reward.
Obtaining a “Courser” horse
To begin awakening a Dream horse yourself, you will need a level 30 Tier 8 horse with the following skills:
- Charge
- Drift
- Sprint
- Instant Accel
- Sideways
- S: Instant Accel
- S: Sideways
This is also known as a Courser horse and it will have a gold horse symbol in the top right corner of it’s icon.
For advanced tips on how to get a Tier 8 Courser, check out our Training guide which explains how to increase your chances of getting the skills you need using the “Forechop method”.
How to start Courser Training
Once you have a Tier 8 Couser at level 30, you can start “training” the horse. This involves feeding different materials into the horse until you have enough to do an “awakening attempt”.
To start, put the horse in the stable at Stonetail Horse Ranch or Grana (Melabee NPC – West Stable). Make sure it doesn’t have any gear equipped or items in the inventory. The option “Courser Training” will be available at the bottom.
The training window will open. Here you can train your horse in 3 different areas: Skill Training, Elegance Training and Strength Training. You must consume certain materials to train the horse in the different types of training. Each time you use 1 material, you increase it’s training exp by 1%. You can get a maximum of 180% exp in a training area, which give you a 90% chance of getting that particular horse.
Skill Training
Leveling this will increase your chances of obtaining Pegasus
Stonetail Fodder
Exchange Blush Leaf x20
(farming byproduct).
Once you reach Artisan 1 in Farming, use Magical Seeds on your farm and breed them to get high amounts of farming byproducts.
Rainbow Gem Fruit
Exchange Shiny Golden Seal – [Imperial Delivery] x10.
You can also obtain these by exchanging Perdiot Petal x10, which are a reward from the Narc Magic Sealing Stone bundles.
Fruit of Yianaros
Obtained from events only
(Increases Skill training by 2% instead of 1% per item)
Elegance Training
Leveling this will increase your chances of obtaining Unicorn
Spirit Pouch of Ferocious Beast
Has a rare chance of being looted when butchering Khalk or Blue Whale.
You can also obtain these by exchanging Perdiot Petal x10, which is a reward from the Narc Magic Sealing Stone bundles, or exchanging Hunter’s Tokens x25.
Breezy Conch Seaweed
Has a rare chance of being obtained when fishing.
You can also obtain these by exchanging Perdiot Petal x10, which is a reward from the Narc Magic Sealing Stone bundles.
Mysterious Blue Conch
Obtained from events only
(Increases Elegance training by 2% instead of 1% per item)
Strength Training
Leveling this will increase your chances of obtaining Doom
Deep Blue Hoof Root
Has a rare chance of being obtained when gathering.
You can also exchange Peridot Leaves x7 for Deep Blue Hoof Root.
These are collected in the Peridot Leaf daily quests (video) and as a rare drop from monsters in Kamaslyvia.
Pure Forest Breath
Has a rare chance of being looted from monsters.
You can also combine 2 of any Spirit Stone Fragments x10 (simple cooking). These are collected in the Peridot Leaf daily quests (video) and as a rare drop from monsters in Kamaslyvia.
Brilliant Crimson Fire Flower
Obtained from events only
(Increases Strength training by 2% instead of 1% per item)
Other ways to obtain T9 materials:
- You can exchange Golden Seal – [Imperial Training] x2 for a Courser Training Reward Box, which can contain 1 random material
- Daily quest from Shamhain at Stonetail Horse Ranch, which allows you to select 1 or 2 materials (you can only complete one per day)
- [Training] In Search of the Finest Courser – requires Professional 1 in training > gives 1 material
- [Training] In Search of the Finest Courser – requires Master 1 in training > gives 2 materials
- Daily quest “[Daily] Grand Prix, Become the Best ” from Miles at Old Moon Grand Pix (horse racing) – exchange Old Moon Grand Prix Coin x20 for 10 materials of your choice
- You can exchange Atanis’ Element x20 at [Eldest Spirit] Merindora in Grána for Krogdalo’s Origin Stone x1.
- Atanis’ Element can be obtained from monsters at the following zones: Polly’s Forest, Traitor’s Graveyard, Desert Naga Temple, Titium Valley, Mirumok Ruins, Bashim Base, Cadry Ruins, Crescent Shrine, Fadus Habitat, Protty Cave
Awakening the horse
Once your horse has a total of 200% exp or higher in training, it can be awakened.
You can also gain a small amount of Swaying Wind Fragments and Rumbling Earth Fragments from the Peridot Leaf daily quests (video) and can exchange Peridot Leaf x15 for a Swaying Wind Fragment or Rumbling Earth Fragment at Old Wisdom Tree.
Agris Essence for Dream Horses
The Ancient Anvil (Agris Essence) System has also been added to Dream Horse (T9) and Mythical Horse Awakening (T10).
- The Agris Essence (stacks) needed to successfully awaken a horse with 100% chance is 30 stacks.
- This means if you fail to awaken a horse 30 times then the next time attempt will succeed with 100% chance.
You can attempt to get your desired Dream Horse (Tier 9) by putting more of a certain item (Skill/Elegance/Strength) when you complete the training.
- Eg. Using more of the “Strength training” items will increase your chances of getting a Doom.
Dream Horse Skills
The horse can learn any of the skills that a normal horse can learn (except Two Seater skill which can only be learned by Doom).
As well as the T8 horse skills, they can also learn special dream horse skills. Learning skills works exactly the same as with normal horses and is completely random, but dream horses tend to be “smarter” and have a higher chance of learning skills.
Dream Horse Stats
At level 1, all Dream Horses have the same base stats.
- Speed: 137.5%
- Accel: 137.5%
- Turn: 122.5%
- Brake: 122.5%
Speed: 133%
Accel: 133%
Turn: 127%
Brake: 127%
Speed: 130%
Accel: 130%
Turn: 139%
Brake: 139%
Every time the horse levels up, all four stats will increase by +0.1% to +1.3%. The amount it increases by is completely random at every level, meaning that some horses may have better stats than others. Stats aren’t too important but having better stats does have slight benefits to the speed of the horse. The brake stat is the most important, but Doom and Unicorn can usually obtain the maximum brake bracket quite easily.
Check out our Training guide for more details about horse stats.
Dream Horse Appearances
Pegasus (Arduanatt) Horse
Nightmare Pegasus (Arduanatt) Horse
The Nightmare Arduanatt is a limited edition version of the dream horse and there are only 2 Nightmare horses on each region.
The first was sold in 2018 via the Luxury Auction, and the second Nightmare horse was given as a prize to the winner of the Mysteries of Summer 2019 event.
The horse was bought by player “Norweil” on the EU server for 38 billion silver in May 2018, and the EU winner of the Mysteries of Summer 2019 event was the player “Carolyn”.
Unicorn (Diné) Horse
Don’t do it. Just don’t.
On the stats bit at the text is written “break” instead of brake.
Fixed, thank you for letting me know!
most of the picture is corrupt ? or just me